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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I just remembered the Knicks drafted Mike Sweetney. Ewwwies. Got a job today. Been looking since August, finally had something break my way. Going to be nice to bring in extra money while I'm in school.
  2. Stoudemire looks like [expletive], Felton is playing like [expletive] (what's new?)... Mozgov with 11 and 6 at half! Randolph played within himself for his 6 minutes, picking up 4 rebounds and a block. Douglas looked good, making 4 of 5 shots. Seems like when Felton and Stoudemire came back in the game, the offensive rhythm was killed and they just started forcing shots. I love the way the kids played in the first half while STAT/Felton/Turiaf were out.
  3. Randolph in, STAT to the locker room. Feel bad for Mozgov, kid gets no breaks at all.
  4. RANDOLPH IS AT THE SCORER'S TABLE :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
  5. Knicks built a 7 point lead, subbed in Mozgov, and the Pistons are now up 5 or 6. Ew.
  6. ALL OF THAT SAID If I had a vote, it wouldn't go to LBJ.
  7. U mad ur dreamy boyfriendz ain't topz 4 da ehm vee pee? -Not Childish Dunt b upset duderz, urz iz! -Childish I think I got it now. Thank you!
  8. Came after your post? You're the only one who attacked someone in this thread; yes, that draws attention to your post. If you consider it stupid, cool. Your comment was also stupid, then. You call out kingfish for having a "dream boyfriend", while you wake up in the morning with sticky shorts after an LBJ dream? It's laughable. Completely hypocritical. I'm completely shocked that in your opinion, what you did was cool, but you want to call me out for flipping the script. ^_^
  9. Don't be upset! Your dream boyfriend is!
  10. I think there's probably an equal chance that you're on drugs.
  11. [expletive] how do I un-rep something? Making fun of the handicapped has never been cool, totally repped that post on accident. Legacy... kick rocks.
  12. Because in the video I just watched, when Gortat was pulling Frye away and playing the peacemaker, Nate and Perkins came in pushing him in the back and acting like hardasses because the situation presented itself. Follow the topic or don't make assertive posts, you [expletive]ing clown.
  13. I believe Kobe is clutch and refuse to think again... so there.
  14. Thank you, ECN, from the bottom of my heart, for this wonderfully gracious contribution. I appreciate you to the absolute fullest. We now know why he gets to go around with a scowl on his face, pushing people in the back in skirmishes and racking up those technical fouls. Talking [expletive] and playing relatively dirty. He plays good post defense. It's like a whole world has opened up before my eyes, and you are the man to thank. So, from the depths of my being; thank you. Sidenote: Speaking of unrelated topics, as you like to call people out for doing... What do the Knicks have anything to do with this? Just blindly defending a local Boston team as best you can? You're not even a good Boston fan, get out of here.
  15. people overuse corny posts way too much on this forum too
  16. What the [expletive] is the issue? I'm lmaooooo right now
  17. You are precisely the person I want to be like the most in life, how can you blame me for emulating you?
  18. For you, Cobb. Always on my mind http://i54.tinypic.com/eit3x0.jpg
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