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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. In that case, they would deserve what they get. Which is nothing. I honestly hope you get nothing and become irrelevant for the next decade.
  2. Felton - Stop [expletive]ing shooting already Amar'e - You aren't good enough to go through two defenders Chandler - You haven't been traded yet, playing like [expletive] doesn't help you, us, or them Lord it's like watching two completely different teams from the start of the season until now.
  3. 7 point lead at half, 60-53. Holy [expletive], Turiaf is painful to watch. He can't rebound, and is an absolute void on the offensive end. Cost us a few points. Gallo was hot, then got called for two ticky tack fouls and had to sit. Hope he didn't cool off! 6-7 for 18 points.
  4. The Guinness Book of World Records prob
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUh8tH9Z480&feature=channel He does it here with a stopwatch and a different beat, if you think it was fake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9xlJ_9GlCw
  6. You have an unhealthy crush on DBF. He's your member status, he used to be your sig. You defend him at every turn, compliment him with every opportunity. It's so adorable
  7. Twista is nice, never got into Tech tho.
  8. All I'm addressing is that you said the Lakers built through the draft... They built their cores through trades (Kobe, Pau) and FA (Shaq). Not hating on them, just saying.
  9. The Welcome to NY one is sick... Minus Chris Paul. That cut/paste looks atrocious.
  10. I love Blair. Glad he's [expletive]ting on the league after being a draft afterthought.
  11. The only place I've heard this is from Multi Billionaire's keystrokes. I've yet to come across a Chandler quote in any capacity saying he absolutely will not re-sign with Denver... If you find where you read it, please share. I've legit been looking since MB said it, lol. Closest related thing I could find: http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/nba/columns/story?columnist=sheridan_chris&id=6039161
  12. I'm just thrilled at the prospect of seeing Manny cut off another Johnny Damon throw from center field.
  13. I'd love to grab an Andersen type guy. Though I never hated Harrington as much as many others did, D'Antoni loathes the guy. He's not terrible if he can curb that awful shot selection. Another sniping threat.
  14. http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/knicks/knicks_offer_for_anthony_turned_TZulwtYJI1WIcLgTm8ywyK
  15. Beginning of the year he was taking open set shots and making them. Once he got really hot, he was taking tougher shots, pull ups, leaners, fadeaways, and making them all. Now he's back down to Earth, and instead of going back to his set shots, he's still in the fancy footwork mindframe. Needs to get back to basics. All-star break can't get here soon enough.
  16. I was questioned when I said I'd trade him for Nash.
  17. lol, I'm an Illini fan... So worst of luck tonight, champ!
  18. Yeah, my buddy told me about this a few days ago. Bane is badass, hopefully he won't be some lame thug this time. Catwoman needs to step her game up, Anne Hathaway is a weird choice... But then again, everyone said the same about Heath Ledger as Joker.
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