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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Also... gotta pick one of the ladies, because I'm taking the other one Thanks for answering bruh
  2. Didn't think you'd answer mine seriously... Sorry if it came off as creepy, but I figured if you didn't have a Facebook (like you said) that you'd have a picture somewhere on your computer to share. It's always nice to attach a face to an internet persona :glasses: Didn't know you were big on Biggie, that's cool. Eazy mother[expletive]in E too... haha.
  3. Welker's really sticking his foot in his mouth right about now.
  4. What a [expletive]ing dick... Honestly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1bWg6Iaa9A Glad to see Clay Matthews has a heart, human compassion is huge.
  5. So... Terrell Thomas had himself a hell of a season. 101 Tak (#1 CB) 4 FF (T-3rd DB) 5 INT (T-4th DB) 21 PD (T-2nd DB) 2 FR (T-3rd DB) 1 Sack 1 Blk FG
  6. Agreed, higher than #10 for sure. All the mundane stuff he has to post takes away from the accuracy.
  7. http://i54.tinypic.com/rm5niu.jpg Good movie. Not great, but definitely good. 8/10.
  8. While I can neither confirm nor deny that, he's a top 3 MLB reliever... So he'd be getting paid accordingly.
  9. Decided to scrounge it up... Picked from the top 60 post count members, and only used those with 100+ reps. #1 - Nitro (1,801 posts, 297 reps, 6.06 posts per rep) #2 - Erick Blasco (1,635 posts, 177 reps, 9.24 posts per rep) #3 - Yugo the Impaler (4,940 posts, 443 reps, 11.15 posts per rep) #4 - Guru (2,817 posts, 221 reps, 12.75 posts per rep) #5 - IllWill21 (4,386 posts, 332 reps, 13.21 posts per rep) #6 - Built Ford Tough (2,237 posts, 147 reps, 15.218 posts per rep) #7 - Check My Stats (3,516 posts, 231 reps, 15.221 posts per rep) #8 - trutrojan8 (2,155 posts, 144 reps, 15.97 posts per rep) #9 - AboveLegit (2,270 posts, 137 reps, 16.57 posts per rep) #10 - Real Deal (11,891 posts, 693 reps, 17.16 posts per rep) Just thought it was fun to see. You have guys getting massive amounts of rep for their tremendous basketball knowledge at the top of the list, and guys like BFT, CMS, AL, and Real scattered throughout as well. Nice to see that basketball conversation still dominates this board even though there is such a wide variety of topics on OTR today. Yugo, Guru, trojan... No idea how we made it up there via subforums (mainly), but cheers anyway
  10. Yeah I was on there but couldn't see much of anything, and the [expletive] had me down as married... lol.
  11. .50. stopped listening to me... world is imploding. I was busting Flash's chops, he doesn't care because his team is headed back to the NFC CG. So what's the problem?? PS - I've lived in Philly for less than 2 years, you ignorant stench. I can't just forfeit my Knicks
  12. http://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhrgQirWvy4Y744H64
  13. I beat that game the day after it came out, too much fun. I played with Yugo, he was a noob though
  14. Looks like we have another Michael Vick situation on our hands here, with Aaron Rodgers brutally and mercilessly killing two different breeds of birds in consecutive playoff weeks. I wouldn't even want to win tomorrow if I were the Seahawks.
  15. Crazy. Karma is a b****.. Gets you every time. Its not good to wish bad on anybody. God sees everything!
  16. http://i56.tinypic.com/j7rx1t.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/2z7enhs.jpg
  17. Whoever built the pyramids had knowledge of electrical power.
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