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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Soriano says he'll set up for the Yankees. Seems like a clear Rosenhaus ploy to get the Yanks involved, but if not, why isn't he signed? Give him what he wants, let him take over when MO is finished. I don't mind giving the Rays a 1st, just sign the best Latin prospect available and call it a day
  2. I am at an honest loss for what your pay scale comments are directed towards. Do you think they wouldn't affect Luck if he came out this year? They will be in effect for the upcoming season... the 2011 draftees will not be removed from the pay scale, if there is a CBA and football to begin with. King and Schefter have both reported, with obvious information, that he is not leaving Bradford money on the table by going back to school. Money is not an issue, he is getting the same amount this year or next. Yes, he can go through the absolute headache of being drafted, being locked out of football with nowhere to hone his #1 overall skill, re-enroll in college, finish classes, etc. But how is that a better option than simply staying in school already, finishing his degree, and playing football for another season while becoming more mature as a QB and person? Even if the lockout is avoided, it's likely to drag into September... Which means no practice, no camps, nothing. Will it benefit Luck to have an NFL season next year if it's going to make him a worse 2011 QB? If Luck has the opportunity to get a $20M contract over 5 years in 2011, or $20M contract over 5 years in 2012... The former in a league full of absolute turmoil and uncertainty, and the latter with the problems completely resolved... Which makes sense? Skip the reasoned decision because he might get injured? That's asinine.
  3. The risk of coming to a league in turmoil and having a spoiled rookie season with little to no football to play is greater than staying in college another year and "risking injury", IMO.
  4. Yeah, European womens leagues pay much more than the WNBA. She just got banned from her Turkish team, btw.
  5. Yes... That's my point. If they come to an agreement and there's football in 2011, there will be the rookie payscale in 2011. He'll get the same amount in 2011 or 2012.
  6. He gets to continue pulling that bookworm tail for another year and gets the same dough in '12 with a more stable NFL and future. Great decision for him, personally. He gets his degree this year, too. Smart kid. Stay healthy, Luck!
  7. There's also the degree of uncertainty in the NFL this year, as well. Antonio Pierce just said there's a chance teams walk out of the playoffs in March... lol. I'm reading reports that this whole CBA thing this offseason could drag out through September, which would severely affect a rookie QB coming into his first NFL season and knowing nothing.
  8. No he won't. If there's an agreement this offseason and there's football next year, the rookie pay scale will be in effect for the '11 season.
  9. All that Carolina losing for nothing. Link to follow, I guess. Heard it here first http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=5995754
  10. Nice catch, Fry. 40-4 it was, must have been why I couldn't find it
  11. Tremendous, tremendous, tremendous article on Landry. I'm simply going to link it. Please click and have time to read. http://www.draftexpress.com/article/Rookie-Retrospective-Landry-Fields-3602/#ixzz1ABQ2fF56
  12. I'm not arguing that, but that doesn't mean USA didn't beat Canada in a game in the Olympics...
  13. Do the preliminary rounds not count as Olympic hockey? Now that's just being picky.
  14. They are too busy worrying about Dexter killing half of their city.
  15. I didn't say a word, just continuously trying to end the back and forth conversation. Good night... again.
  16. I tried that with you, but it strangely only lasted about two posts before Real Deal was in here. Weird! Have a good night, hun
  17. He was joking, Uggla was traded and the other two are the Dolphins WOATs
  18. I keep trying to make little quips that diffuse the conversation and get you to shut the [expletive] up, and yet you keep typing... It's perplexing.
  19. Dude, shut the [expletive] up already. I was joking.
  20. You just called it "some website"... Sorry for trying to help.
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