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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Maybe I'll come down, maybe I won't.
  2. Listening to this now. Not bad.
  3. True, both pointless. Had good tourneys though, in whole.
  4. Swastika-emblem, low 1's K/D Yugo is the only one I know of with BO for PS3.
  5. Excuse me, you must be forgetting that Kreider and Borque were on the team.
  6. Thanks man your words mean the world
  7. You just built my frustrations up even more because I'm on PS3 and the rest of the world has XBOX. I'm going to go break things, thanks a lot.
  8. Hmmm, could've sworn I posted it here but I guess not... I had a 44-4 TDM the other day, and a 41-9 after it.
  9. It's from Home Alone. I messed up the system, but the general idea was there. "Buzz McCallister: No, for three reasons: A, I'm not that lucky. Two, we use smoke detectors and D, we live on the most boring street in the whole United States of America, where nothing even remotely dangerous will ever happen. Period. "
  10. 1. I never said I was "so good". Just that you were a f4ggot for hating on my good performance. B. You video record 24-2 TDMs, you set the standard of thinking you're "so good". Ahem. 4. I'd like to see you do what you just laid out, lulz. Maybe even a 63-10 with 5, since that was a trash performance. In any event, you're a hater. Keep practicing.
  11. You hated on my screencap of a great game... Hated hard. HGH = Haters gonna hate/human growth hormones. Barry Bonds took HGH, you maintain a high level of HGH. Simple to put together, Anubis. Somewhat shamed I had to spell it out, but the Stevie Wonder thing was cute.
  12. 2 or 3? 5 is 2 plus 3, get it right We had the same amount of captures, I just killed people who were coming to the target rather than when they were on top of it. No big though, HGH is running through your veins. I might start calling you Barry Bonds
  13. Still not an average game, hun 2.3 is solid. I think mine's a 2.06 right now. Didn't really get a full grip on the maps and weapons until third prestige, I think I was a 1.6 around then, so I'm going up. And I don't care what objectives you play, 2+ K/D is impressive. Don't mistake me with TT8
  14. lol you missed the joke, check back in the thread a little bit. I love your guitar stuff
  15. Average = K/D Ratio Three screenshots in this entire thread: 3.46 K/D 6.30 K/D 15.00 K/D Average of 8.25 K/D You have an 8.25 K/D if those are your "average games". Take a screenshot of your combat card, bruh.
  16. Just finished season 5. 5 seasons in two and a half weeks... Safe to say this show dragged me in, haha! Hard to pick a favorite season for me. Loved season 1, though I was disappointed in the end result being his brother and he was kind of a weak bad guy. Season 2 was great, but there was no true bad guy, and they killed off Doakes too early. Season 3 is most people's least favorite, but I loved the [expletive] out of Prado. He was an explosive baddy, and I loved the roof scene probably most of any of the seasons. Epic. Even in death he was defiant. Season 4... So great. Lithgow played the perfect enemy, and that theme for him was chilling. Heartbreaking when Rita is killed. I laughed my [expletive] off when Lithgow called his wife a [expletive] at Thanksgiving dinner. The way they portrayed Lithgow to be this family man and then you see what he actually was inside the walls of his home... brilliant. So well written. Season 5 was good as well. Julia Stiles played her role extremely well, I'm not typically a fan of her (though she was bearable in the Bourne films, as well). This season made Dexter seem extremely human, which we're definitely not used to. I also have to say that this season had my stomach in knots wayyyyyy more than any of the other four, and the end scene where Deb does what she does... I knew what was happening, but I was on the edge of my seat/[expletive]ting my pants regardless. So tense. Love this [expletive]ing show, can't believe I didn't see any of it before now. Now I have to suffer and struggle through an offseason... Rough!
  17. TAKE THIS TO THE MUSIC FORUM I'm starting a thread in feedback to have a general music discussion thread so I don't have to read through this garbage. Not everyone is interested, thanks.
  18. I was never able to get into the Festival of Rhymes... a lot of my friends like him though.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB94z0GtiBs
  20. Watch out, TT8 is going to tell you that you played the game wrong because you got a lot of kills in HQ.
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