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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. lol Patriots gon Patriot, Gronk breaks his forearm blocking as they kick the final extra point, the 59th point of the game. 4-6 week estimate.
  2. JJ Watt is having one of the more impressive defensive seasons in recent memory.
  3. Peterson has a better chance than Harvin does. That said, it will probably be the QB with the best stat sheet.
  4. Liking this a lot. Different from recent releases, fun to play. Same community based complaints, but oh well!
  5. lol that video is SO old.. I remember posting it about a Lebron flop a while back. That ol lady deserves a smack
  6. I'm sure some other company will just buy the rights to them and profit
  7. Oh well played them tough outside of technical flagrant foul fest 3rd quarter on the road, didn't expect a win here after last night anyway, rest up for next game and circle Memphis on the schedule for next time
  8. Why we gonna iso JR in that spot? Bad couple possessions prolly put away the slim hope
  9. I expect you to think that I disagreed with the foul call? ZBo pushed off Chandler and Chandler got a foul, I'm not sure what I should say. I didn't think it was a foul.
  10. Clearly to who? Not me, not the announcers. Just because you felt so doesn't make it clear.
  11. Only after the "lolknickfans" comment, only an anti-Knicks fan would write that.. Sweet troll job though, I bought it
  12. Nearly as objectively as you. We're trying.
  13. Because I said the refs aren't letting them play? Lionel Hollins, asked why they broke out in the 3rd: "their best players got in foul trouble"
  14. 15 points from the stripe for Memphis in that quarter, LOL
  15. This explains it, strong Nest bias.. Thx for chatting tho hun
  16. Even the announcers said that's not a T until today's nancy refs changed the guidelines, lol.. They're frustrated they aren't being allowed to play, especially the guys being banged around down low (Chandler and Melo) and are being whistles any time they push back. They're tired, too, which doesn't help. As I say that, lol at the foul on KT for having a guy reach over him. I didn't think we win this game tonight, but the way it's been called has been disappointing. Almost as disappointing as the way the Knicks reverted back to nonsense chucking once they Grizz went on the penalty fueled run.
  17. Woodson T was well deserved? Chandler? Sheed for running away from ref lol? Chandler foul for having ZBo push off was good? lol You're telling the Knicks to ball, the problem is that they're not being allowed too. Refs need to put the whistles and egos away.
  18. Hard to ball on the road with your 2 best players picking up garbage fouls and sitting on the bench, T's for saying anything, even flagrants for an arm foul 75% of these fouls are hot garbage
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