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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqstOeYRqvg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNcS5Wl2qlo&feature=related
  2. PS3 gamer/fanboy, reporting for duty.
  3. I had the Giants at 9-7, one game off. Better luck next year!
  4. Go to the pat-down and leave with a full chub. Guy will be tentative the rest of his career.
  5. Yeah no doubt, it's because some people are used to $5 Sony garbage they got from Rite-Aid and others are looking for it to match AUX/USB quality. In reality most "good" cassette adapters are probably in between.
  6. The transmitters are dece if you live in a low volume area, but finding a static-free channel in cities is hard... and then you're constantly changing it once you find one. I'd just splurge on a new head unit with an AUX input, make a donation can
  7. [expletive]ty, that's your best bet at high iPod quality. From what I scrounged up in a few minutes on cassette adaptors, check out this Monster piece... I don't think there's a perfect cassette adapter, they're all pretty flawed... But it's bearable. I'm sure you can find Sony or Phillips pieces that are comparable as well, if you don't dig on Monster.
  8. I no longer acknowledge Cutler as a cool fellow diabetic. Kick rocks, doublechin.
  9. I liked that movie a lot, htown! I saw Despicable Me the other day, was a very fun movie. 9/10. Lots of laughs, feel good, great cast.
  10. The difference is that Guru is a rapper and Gang Starr is a group
  11. Yup. We do about 2-3 rounds out of 7 using historic players from 100 years ago. Charleston went #1 in the 2018 draft in our league.
  12. Haha nah Yugo, it is... It's one of the fake names from our sim baseball league. No more fat chicks was right
  13. Thanks for the questions guys, had some fun answering them. Hope it isn't too boring!
  14. ChosenOne 1. Who would you like more on the team...Melo or CP3? why? I think Melo is more of an upgrade at SF for us right now than CP3 is over Felton at PG. But I'd welcome either! 2. Reading or Writing? Writing, for sure. Been my forte my whole life... That's how I made drinking money in college, writing papers for cash. Used to write for a few sports sites that probably don't exist anymore. 3. Favorite place to eat? Hmmmm not sure. I like Thai, Indian, Mexican a ton... But I'm not super picky. I do like to explore new foods, so I don't frequent the same place a ton. 4. Favorite current TV show? Dexter! Just started watching a couple weeks ago, but I've ripped through 4 seasons of it already. It really draws you in. Outside of that the only shows I really watch on TV are The Office and Grey's Anatomy (with my girlfriend). 5. #1 thing on your bucket list? Would I be a lame if I said to go to Houston? Been a wish my whole life. I'd really like to go overseas with no agenda and just backpack around Europe and do whatever the moment tells me. 6. What game are you most looking forward to right now? (any sport) The Knicks first (hopefully) playoff game. 7. Bigger disappointment Chargers or 49ers? 49ers, for sure. With the Chargers, you can at least point to the injuries, suspensions, and holdouts... The 49ers were just massive underachievers. 8. Favorite song? OMC - How Bizarre 9. Dream job? Professional gamer. 10. Why is Wilson Chandler such a wack basketball player? 11. Is it ok if I ax 11 questions? Ask Dee, you have to answer to her! Riot 1. Have you ever smoked weed? Yessir. Not a habitual smoker, but I'll burn if it's around. 2. Would you ever do mushrooms? At this point... nah. Buckling down on life right now. My roommates did shrooms back in the day though, and I put on Salad Fingers and tripped them the [expletive] out. Oops! 3. Do you know how/want to play any instruments? I got a guitar for Christmas about 5 years ago and haven't played it once. I'd like to learn though, for sure. I just find my spare time too crowded already. 4. Will Jack Black ever be in a funny movie again? I think so. I think the guy's hilarious, so he always wins with me. I loved Be Kind, Rewind. 5. If you could live in any country besides America or Canada, where would you want to live? Mexico! sike... not sure? Without visiting first, maybe Estonia? Switzerland? 6. What if I told Raymond Felton that you would trade him for Steve Nash, what if you hurt his feelings? I'd apologize for hurting his feelings. He gives way too much of himself for this team for me to be insulting the man like that, you know? magicbalala245 1.Black or Yellow? blackandyellow blackandyellow blackandyellow blackandyellow 2. Drake or Lil Wayne? Wayne was at least good at one point. 3. Having Justin Bieber as your brother or Nicki Minaj as your sister? Minaj as my step-sister who I can poke. 4. What would you do if Knicks never win a title in your life time? Blame Isiah. 5. LeBron James is the biggest _________ of the NBA? nosed player 6. Lakers or Celitcs if your weren't a Knicks fan? I loved Pierce when the Celtics sucked, Garnett on the Wolves, and still love Allen. So if their awesomeness is no longer causing misery for me as a Knicks fan, I'm sure I'd appreciate them again. Love Kobe, but that's about it for the Lakeshow. 7. Kobe Bryant or Peyton Manning as your dad? Do I have to inherit Peyton's forehead? If so, sign me up for Kobe... We can work through the rage I'd have after he cheated on moms. 8. Who would win one on one in a game of basketball me or you up to 1,000? I would go up 50-0 and then gasp for air the entire rest of the game, you would win 1,000-50. 9. You could only do one of these chicks doggy style who would it be? Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Ciara, Rihannea, Jennifer Lopez, or Chelsa Handler? J-Lo. Booty for days. 10. Am I the greatest poster in OTR history? Reply hazy, try again. Waldo 1) Who are the top ten most valuable prospects in the Yankees organization? Jesus Montero, Gary Sanchez, Austin Romine, Dellin Betances, Manny Banuelos, Hector Noesi, Andrew Brackman, Slade Heathcott, Eduardo Nunez, Ivan Nova. 2) Logan, Feliciano, Marte: Who is/are the LOOGY(s), who is/are the standard reliever(s)? I think Logan and Feliciano will have similar roles, primarily as LOOGYs but also seeing righties in games that aren't pressingly close. Marte is a forgotten soul. I think he's out until midseason anyways, right? 3) What does "You Us We Now" mean? You = Fans, Us = Team, We = Fans+Team, Now = Fans+Team unite through victory... Or somethin like that 4) What is your best package for Melo in which there is limited disruption of the chemistry? Gallo, Douglas, Curry, Randolph, pick... I don't even know. 5) What are your expectations for Mark Prior? None. If he pitches a single game this year, bonus. 6) Which current big-leaguers played on the same field as you during your baseball days? The only one I can think of off the top who has played in the majors is Jeff Frazier, of the Tigers. He played for our rival HS... His little brother is actually close to the MLB with the Reds, I played more with him... AAU and travel teams and then rival HS's again. A couple of minor leaguers, but nobody really worth mentioning. 7) Members of the Red Sox organization that you like? Adrian Gonzalez, but I'm sure that'll change. I loved Bill Hall and Beltre, but they're both gone now. 8) Should Mike Mussina be a HOFer? Yes, absolutely. Numbers don't do the guy justice. Tremendous pitcher. 9) Do you think Pettitte will retire? Project the rotation with/without him. I do. He's giving all indications he will, and he deserves to if it makes him happy. I hope he doesn't, though! 1. CC 2. HUGHES 3. PETTITTE/BURNETT 4. BURNETT/NOVA 5. NOVA/MITRE For obvious reasons, we would be much more comfortable with the first scenario. I still see something happening via transaction for at least one SP spot, though. Ducscherer is still floating around, and Zambrano would come super cheap. 10) Chan Ho Park. I. Told. You. So! Fat pitch to Cal Ripkin in his last ASG is the dude's career highlight. Real Deal 1) Most hated player on the Knicks right now? Tough question. I hate what Ronny does to our offense, but he tries so hard on D that I can't hate him. I guess Curry, fat [expletive]ing slob putting all that talent to waste. Burgers over stardom, I'll never understand it. 2) Most memorable Knicks moment? LJ's 4 point play, Houston's winner against Miami, Ewing's missed layup against Indiana, Reggie's 8 in 11. 3) Most memorable NBA moment? Kobe's 81. I was in absolute awe. 4) Insulin injections, or the pump? Injections, but I'm leaning more and more towards the pump. I never liked the idea of having something in me full-time, having to take it out when I shower, contact sports, etc. Just icky. But I'm starting to get over that. 5) What do you reach for if your blood sugar is 50? Cereal. Honey Bunches is my go-to. Not a great fixer because it keeps my sugar levels looking like a seismograph, but whatever! 6) List these diabetics in order, according to awesomeness... Dudley, Morrison, Frazier, Berry, James, Michaels, Cutler, Stackhouse, Sinclair, Jonas 7) Should Brandon Jacobs get the ball more? He could get 30 carries a game and I'd say he needs the ball more. When the line doesn't allow him to get hit in the backfield, he's our best offensive weapon. 8) Where do you rank Eli Manning in your list of best QB's in the league? Somewhere in the 8-13 range. He's not what his turnovers say he was this year. 9) What one thing, if anything, should big bro take from Eli and apply to his game? How to compose a 2 minute drive 10) Would you drive Eddy Curry around NYC for one week? No, for a few reasons. He's already sexually solicited his male limo driver, so there's that. He probably can't pay me, after taking out a loan on 100% interest and losing all his money. Plus, there's the whole "waste of life Knicks player sucking their money dry" thing. Actually, yes. I'd drive him to the far end of the city and drop him off and make him walk. He can't pay for a cab, so the cardio would be forced on him. Fat fattie.
  15. Guru What is your favorite color? Green. No rhyme or reason why, just is! Are you a heavy or light sleeper? I'm a weird sleeper. I don't sleep a ton, and when I do, I wake up a ton... But it's not typically from noise. I should really get on a better sleep schedule, thanks for reminding me! Name your least favorite feature? On myself? I've really gotten lazy and packed on some weight. WORST. My main New Years Res, really gotta get in shape. Do you have any phobias? I hate heights, but it doesn't cripple me from high places. What is your biggest fear? Death. My own, someone super close to me... Death is scary. Name your most favorite time of the year? Winter. Love it. Football, cold outside, snow, hockey, Christmas, school break, winter lagers, skiing, all of it. Ever had an imaginary friend as a child? No, and I feel slighted. Imaginary friends have always seemed badass to me. Drop Dead Fred, anyone? My brother had an imaginary friend named Scotchy when he was little, haha. Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with? Honestly can't recall how many over the years, and I'm not trying to sound like Billy Badass, man of 100 fights. First one was... 4th grade, maybe? School bully who stayed back and was bigger than everyone else, I had enough so I socked him and RAN like the wind. Hahah! Got into a ton of fights at Rutgers-Newark, at frats and parties and all that jazz... I was an angry soul, and had a baseball team of backup, haha. Have you ever stolen anything from a store or from someone? I stole a copy of Madden '04 from a party back in the day. That's about all I can think of. What are your turn on's and turn offs? Turn on's... Beautiful face, first and foremost. Big butt and thick legs. Boobs are nice, but not super required. I need a chick who digs sports and who can carry an intelligent convo. Turn off's... Fatties, bad teeth, acne, having a penis, whiners, "woe is me" sympathy seekers, hating video games. lol random list, I think I'm still drunk. Smitty 1. Sup buuuuuuuuuudy? What up Smee! Still recovering from last night. 2. What woman(or women) would you seriously consider leaving your girlfriend for? None. I'd say Natalie Portman, Taylor Swift, Buffie the Body's backside, etc etc etc... But none of that would last. I'm too completely happy with what I have. Now, if you want to know who I'd go after first if my girlfriend broke up with me, I can give you a better list 3. You vs. STATCity in a cage match, loser becomes an Eagles fan. Who wins? Me. All you had to write was "you vs. STATcity" and the answer is the same, no matter what follows. 4. Discuss. (not the song, the video) BRB fap fap fap 5. [expletive], Marry, Kill: Eagles cheerleaders, Cowboys cheerleaders, Redskins cheerleaders. [expletive] the Cowboys, Marry the Redskins, Kill the Eagles. Sorry Smee! 6. What is love? Baby don't hurt me. 7. How was your Christmas? It was pretty good, I guess. I'm at the age where I don't get a ton of stuff I "want", and I don't really mind it. My sister came down with my 3 month old nephew, so that was cool. My only wish is that I could have spent it with you 8. Name 5 OTR members you would team up with during a zombie apocalypse, and why. Let's do this! 1. Smitty - Jack of all trades. My sexual partner if we're in the foxhole for too long. Entertainment. Badass. Easy decision. 2. STATcity - The Muscle. Ever see a zombie run from a human? You will. 3. Lkr - He'll break us into the Best Buy and create some super high tech killer laser gun using a hard drive and thirteen DVD-R's. 4. Phightins - I'll need someone to help fight off the SABRnerd zombies that are bound to attack with WORP, ZORP, and TORP. <3 5. Flash - Just realized our squad has 0 in-shape members, so we'll need someone to feed to the zombies to slow them down. 9. Waffles, Pancakes, or French Toast? Used to go 6-to-midnight for chocolate chip pancakes, until the beetus kicked me in the teeth. Now I'd say waffles. 10. Are you still watching the video? It is recorded in my brain for instant access. BRB. Phightins 1. When are we going to a Sixers-Knicks game??? Feb 4th. Hide ya kids, hide ya wife. 2. Favorite position to play when you are playing baseball? To be honest I don't really have a favorite. I like playing everywhere but right field, as long as the ball finds me. 3. Yankees World Series or Giants Super Bowl? Giants. Yankees wins have become... desensitized. 4. Do you plan on moving Jimmie Foxx back to 1B? Already done 5. Who would you rather spend a year on a deserted island with, "Diesel" or DeSean Jackson? Diesel. I'd murder him on day 1 and not have to fish for food for two weeks. 6. Thoughts on popped collars? They gon' pop. 7. If you were given $100 and had to buy one thing, what would it be? A $100 universal gift card. I cheated. 8. Nomar Fachix or Oscar Charleston? Fachix, baby! 50 HR, he was my best player for a very, very long time. Such a cutie. 9. How would you have reacted if the Yankees gave Derek Jeter a 6 year $150 million contract? Honestly don't know. Complained for a very long time, probably. Would be the worst of all time. 10. Least favorite New York/North Jersey-area sports team? New Jersey Devils, and it isn't even close. STATcity 1: [expletive], Marry, Kill: ECN, Flash, Dabearfan [expletive] Dabearfan, Marry ECN, Kill Flash. 2: Roses are red, violets are blue ______________? Danilo had a little weeny, but then it grew. 3: Greatest talent? idk, I'm a beast at video games. 4: Something we don't know about you? I have Canadian citizenship. 5: How far are the Knicks going this year? First round exit. Slow but steady improvement! 6: Cliff Lee is a _________? [expletive]. You decide. 7: What did us late 80's/early 90's kids miss out on? The best cartoons, Toejam and Earl, LT, idk what else haha 8: Dream car? Land Rover Discovery. 9: Favorite place to live? I love the [expletive] out of San Diego, but DREAM is probably overseas somewhere. I honestly have no idea where, have to explore a bit 10: You mad? I wasn't until Matt Dodge's punt was #2 on the plays of 2010. WORST. Confidence 1. Is this your permanent displayname? I changed it again since you asked, lmao. But yes, so long as Wilson isn't traded. 2. In their threepeat the Lakers will beat _____ in _____ games. Boston, 7. 3. Why do chicks dig Hakeem Nicks? I heard he's hung, idk though... lol. He's a special kid, big things in his future. 4. Why is Wilson Chandler your favorite player? He hustles, shows effort on defense, isn't selfish, works hard to improve (evidenced by his improved shooting from distance this season), he's soft spoken in interviews, isn't cocky... He's the consummate teammate and a guy who's easy to root for. Gives 110% nightly. 5. Blonds or brunettes? Brunettes. Never been a fan of blondes, no idea why. 6. What college are you attending or plan on attending, if any? Went to Rutgers at the Newark campus, played baseball my freshman year. Didn't go to class and wasn't eligible to play sophomore year, so I left and took time off from school. Got my A.A. from community college last year, working on my B.A. in education with a minor in English right now at Kean University. 7. Where does Amare rank for MVP? #1 in my heart, that's all that matters 8. Vick or Brady for MVP? Brady, no argument to be made otherwise. 9. What is the Giants biggest need this offseason? Not sure, they can upgrade in a few spots. Outside linebacker is a place that needs to be addressed soon (strong side, Bulluck). They can upgrade just by getting healthy, and if Andrews can insert himself into either LT or LG next year, that puts Seubert at center and makes the line a bit better. We'll see! 10. Do you still hate me? Never hated you bruh, just let my Irish temper loose over a [expletive]ty situation. Nothing but love, Confi Shaliq Who do you see in the ECF, WCF and NBA Finals predictions)?? BOS/MIA, LAL/SAS, BOS/LAL
  16. Me too, until he called people with differing opinions "wiggas".
  17. So here's mine... Did it really quickly, not a ton of thought into it... But you get the gist. 1. Nas 2. Rakim 3. Big L 4. Ice Cube 5. Notorious BIG 6. Scarface 7. Eminem 8. Pharoahe Monch 9. Common 10. Black Thought HM: Xzibit, Andre 3k, Canibus, Big Pun, Lord Finesse EDIT: Left guys like Pac and Jay off because I don't care for them... Just my taste.
  18. So why should anyone respect YOUR opinion? Because you dig on Lil B's swag? Because you aren't white? Because Drake gets your little panties wet? I'm really curious what exactly it is about JYD that makes you so convinced your opinion is worth more than anyone else's.
  19. To never be as hungover as I am right now. Original 4loko ftlllllllll
  20. Yay GG Happy new years, y'all Super drunk
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