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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Free tix dawggy, for the record they performed the best, most in sync wave I've ever seen... Thing went around the entire stadium solid, hardly anyone staying seated
  2. I thought you were a big Peter King hater, now you're using his material? lulz http://i56.tinypic.com/m8n0qv.jpg
  3. lolz Cofield just did the tazer sack dance again. Tazed himself three times!
  4. My mother[expletive]ing man is a monster.
  5. Budden shouldn't even respond, that's what dude is looking for... Lil B is a nobody trying to get his name buzzing again.
  6. Offense looks atrocious right about now, and the D can step it up too. Let's go, hopefully Eli doesn't throw his typical 5 taINTs against the Vikings.
  7. I can't believe this kid was in my high school French class... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3RefdyTDBI He was such a skinny little nerd, had no NY accent, and he ended up transferring schools because he had no real friends. Kid's life has made such an enormous 180ยบ since high school, lol.
  8. No thank you, honestly. Chandler is way too versatile, does everything asked of him, provides tremendous scoring in various ways off the bench, and his defense is underrated. Mayo is a great scorer, but scoring isn't the Knicks' problem. I'd keep IllWill! *Note, probably being a homer and huge Wilson jocker... Oh well!
  9. I mean I'd definitely give them any bench player they want in any combination for Mayo... But I wouldn't give STAT, Fields, Gallo, Felton, or Chandler... and I'm not sure they'd be interested in much else outside of that.
  10. My girlfriend's dad has this hat and he won't let me have it :( http://i52.tinypic.com/348hgxw.jpg I've offered to buy it, etc... No luck. He doesn't even like basketball. SMH!
  11. FINE we'll add if we have to... Randolph, Douglas, and Bill Walker.
  12. I actually thought Graham going out was addition by subtraction, he wasn't very effective and now they won't be trying to force him on the field because of his draft position. Weren't there a ton of people in the Eagles organization who envisioned Chaney as a starter sooner or later? Here's the guy's shot, seems to have the tools. http://i54.tinypic.com/acvmmt.jpg
  13. His mom was nice enough... He's a tool though for sure
  14. Stewart Bradley out a while with a dislocated elbow, Brandon Graham out for the season with a torn ACL.
  15. So in separate deals the Knicks should trade for O.J. Mayo and a 1st round pick, all to package with our best young player for a guy who has supposedly admitted that he won't play anywhere else next season? Ummm. I'd love Mayo to come in and try some 2-guard for us, as long as Randolph is the centerpiece of the deal
  16. Do you see what happens, Larry? Do you see what happens when you [expletive] a stranger in the [expletive]?
  17. Then they trade him to the Knicks for their package or accept a lesser package knowing he's gone after this year regardless... Or you keep him through the year and keep people in the seats. At least they have options.
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