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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Oh... I don't think it's properly using the term if you're saying it means the best players come from there. BUT I DIGRESS I'm an English minor, please excuse my nitpicking.
  2. Sorry to bust the definitions back out (honestly am, not being sarcastic) but... In this case, it's the center of interest in an activity. MSG, Rucker, whatever you want to bring up... I don't think basketball is simply as big anywhere else. In interest in the games, in interest in playing it, in lure, etc etc etc. It may be better elsewhere... But I don't think "mecca" encompasses efficiency. Maybe it's a homer perspective, but I (and many others) consider NYC the mecca. Meh.
  3. Is it weird that I just noticed the 2011 in the banner?
  4. Yessirrrrrrrrrrr let's gooooooooooooooooo You can find my thoughts on the game here: http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/14605-2010-new-york-giants/page__view__findpost__p__215125 But overall, let's just go out there and fight. Without Diehl, Andrews, O'Hara, Smith, and Nicks again, so it's going to be a dogfight. Bring it to 'em, Manningham! Hoping to see Jacobs dole out some vicious trucksticks
  5. I think NYC is the mecca, MSG is just a largely contributing factor. The entire thing is a response to this http://i54.tinypic.com/1zz022h.jpg and we both know it. So as laughable as the Knicks may be for what they said given the past decade, that billboard is equally as bad considering the Nets' offseason and current start to 2010/11.
  6. Nets fans, my intention was never to turn this into Knicks vs. Nets, so I'm sorry it became what it has. I love Kendall Gill.
  7. No, they aren't. And they didn't claim to be. I'm not sure where the outcry is coming from that the Knicks are as good as the Lakeshow or Celts, it was never even slightly implied. He said he doesn't know why NY is the basketball mecca, and then applied it to their recent success, or lack-there-of... Which couldn't be further from why it's referred to as that. But why should I say anything, right? I'm just obsessed with him. Hell, I'm obsessed with you too. Okay then, let's look beyond this current season. Let's compare the history of both franchises. New Jersey Nets: 1534-1959 43.9% 52-65 44.4% 0 NBA Championships 2 Conference Titles 4 Division Titles New York Knicks 2483-2516 49.6% 179-171 51.5% 2 NBA Championships 8 Conference Titles 7 Division Titles So talking this season or historically, I don't have to make much of a point. Or we could take your viewpoint and look merely at the last decade... Sweet. I have 0 reason to do this, but thanks for jumping to his defense. This was fun. I'm so obsessed
  8. Upgrade or not over Ryan, he's still pretty brutal at the plate. But Berkman helps!
  9. I really, really like Berkman and think he's going to have a nice season for the Cardinals. That's a nice hitting outfield, makes up for Theriot.
  10. Stop bypassing the word censor. If we started a new thread for every FA signing this forum would look ridiculous.
  11. I took a Microsoft Office class to complete my computer requirement for my A.A., I can help with Excel if you need. I have the [expletive]ing book still, thing was over 1,000 pages lol.
  12. You call it twisting, I call it your words as they are. Whatever.
  13. Fish! Used to hate fish, I could eat it every night for dinner if I wanted to now, though.
  14. lol, it's not my fault you don't understand the words that you use. Sorry that I called you for claiming ownership over a team you abandoned for a better team across the country, I won't do it again.
  15. No, you're just an enormous tool... Which is a well established concept on this forum by now and not something I should need to address.
  16. Possession = Ownership Sorry I misinterpreted something... Or maybe you misstated what you meant?
  17. Eat a dick, [expletive]. Don't play yourself, you honestly, honestly, honestly aren't that important.
  18. You don't get to bandwagon root for the Packers and Yankees and then somehow still claim ownership over a Miami Dolphins or Florida Marlins victory. The city of Miami isn't playing the city of Cleveland, it's the Dolphins against the Browns... Two teams he has absolutely no ties to.
  19. Because the Nets started the bickering by hanging a banner outside of MSG trying to steal fans... and the Knicks are better this year. Perfect opportunity for a response, no?
  20. Me My gallery: http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/10840-10-through-pay-pal-for-graphics-request/
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