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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. ACL surg, he's healthy enough to play but won't be himself until next season.
  2. That shovel reminisced me back to last week, when Vick's fourth down shovel to McCoy evaded Osi's fingertip by a millimeter
  3. http://i55.tinypic.com/2bqvcg.jpg Like I said, he shoved him in the facemask.
  4. Sure, let's compare. Johnson got shoved in his mask and punched with his helmet on. Finnegan got punched in his dome twice and the face once. You ever play football? Ever been in a fight? If so, there's no need for me to explain how much more effective a punch to the head is compared to one to the helmet.
  5. Yup, and he did. Could use those measurements and say Finnegan shouldn't be [expletive]ing with a guy that much bigger than him
  6. Finnegan got thrown to the ground, punched in the head three times, and got no punches in himself. Owned is a pretty accurate description.
  7. Talk [expletive], get hit. Popped off with the wrong guy, oops.
  8. Great game for JPP, 2 sacks and 2 FF. Fewell really puts out some weird schemes this year, really glad he was able to adjust at halftime. Jacobs ran like a monster, not sure how anyone can complain about Bradshaw's touches, especially with his fumbling problems. BJ went for 6.2 YPC. Love winning games.
  9. Boom baby Atrocious play by Gallo at the end of OT 1, up 3 and fouled Prince on a 2 point shot, tied the game to for 2OT. Love the shooting in 2OT, take a win however we can get them.
  10. Get 'emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Andre! Finnegan is the biggest scumbag in the NFL, great to see Andre knock the snot out of him with some helmetless hooks. He's my fantasy stud, so I'll miss him during his suspension... but incredible that the twat Finnegan got what he deserved.
  11. lmao Flash wearin that LeBron cape again. Intentional imo.
  12. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/16178-chicago-at-sacramento/page__view__findpost__p__212272 -_-
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtJ4puu_FTU
  14. Andrews was in the hospital overnight and was released today, he's definitely not playing against the Jags. Looks like Beatty will start at left tackle with Kevin Boothe at left guard. Look for a lot of runs right, smh -_-
  15. My sentence does make sense. I can further simplify it, if that will help you understand it. "Shaun Hill's arm is recently healed and is very vulnerable. You are comparing an attempt to re-break it to shoving after a play, the two do not match up." Better? Simplicity isn't a problem, I'll note that you prefer elementary form for next reply. Here: You are basically saying that Hill has no room to complain that players were trying to break his arm because the Lions were playing rough too. Which is laughable. Sidenote; You've called me dense, a dumb [expletive], and told me I need to go back to school. If you can't formulate a debate without resorting to insults, don't post. Act like an adult. Hissy fits ftl.
  16. What doesn't make sense? He plays majority TDM and has those stats... What is not coming through? You said we don't play right and he'd be 3-1 and not helping in TDM, just letting you know how ridiculous it is to assume stuff and then look dumb when you're wrong. Stop hating.
  17. Trojan... Kid you're blasting plays majority TDM (last night was literally the first time we played HQ, and didn't lose a match of it) and he has a 2.74 W/L and 2.26 K/D. As I said, just a hater hatin.
  18. Tore up? 1v1? What game to you play? You play team objectives 1v1? Weird. As I said earlier, with two captures and three defenses, I was playing the objective. Bottom line is basically that umad...
  19. You already said that, which is what my "see what I did there" was referencing. Sweet post though, bruh. Honestly it sounds you're annoyed that people like us beat you, or that you can't get that score yourself. Before proclaiming the opposite... Pics or it didn't happen
  20. Sidenote, if anyone thinks I was away from the target kill camping or spawn camping, I'll see if the video is still in my recent matches and I'll upload it to youtube or something... I assure you it wasn't the case.
  21. Anyone can camp in TDM and go 20-4. See what I did there? ^_^
  22. I've seen better too, you're always going to see better. Doesn't mean you can't appreciate a solid performance. I had two captures and three defenses, and I was always around the target. The only time I wasn't around the target taking out approaching players is when I was in my Chopper/Gunship. Low defenses is because I killed players before they got to the HQ itself, and there was a player watching the opposite side the entire time. They generally didn't get close. I had 2/7 captures and 3/8 defenses with a ton of kills. But I wouldn't let the facts deter the haters from hating, carry on.
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