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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. He is the most atrocious thing I've seen happen to a sports team I root for in my entire life, I will quit watching basketball altogether if he's back with the Knicks... It's that bad.
  2. [expletive] all over us, but at least I got to see Boogaard and Prust kick the snot out of Shelley and Carcillo? FWIW... Carcillo is a dirty bastard.
  3. Thanks GG, sorry it went further than it should have. Frustrating.
  4. Watch your lips, Whitehurst! Can't wait for the game. Should be a slobberknocker.
  5. I watched the first hour and a half or so, and it started raining here, the internet kicked out, and I lost my Netflix stream Was entertaining so far, I got a good laugh out of Goodman's line (paraphrasing) "I can see you feel strongly about it!"
  6. This, mostly... It would be believable if we were talking about Tyler Hansborough, but Garnett is too well versed in the smack talk game to be dropping awful lines like he claims he did. We all know what he really said
  7. Completely different scenarios. Garnett is the king of smack talk, there is absolutely no chance in hell he said "you're a cancer to your team and the league". No way.
  8. I laughed my freaking [expletive] off at the commercial with the Bucks mascot in the road.
  9. Garden is open again, all clear for Friday against the Washington Walls. No Izod Center... thank the lord.
  10. Depends on whether or not you guys decide to pump crowd noise through the PA system like y'all have been known to do... 12th man my [expletive], it's the 12th through 14th man. Let's go G-Men, no false starts, run the ball like champs.
  11. I'm not involved in the debate, I'm going to bed. Just too hilarious to pass us
  12. You're dragging our human index down, Yugo. Theres many better? smh, pay attention in English class.
  13. Two thanks from the link I sent you, I want them transferred immediately
  14. http://i54.tinypic.com/34pflaa.jpg
  15. Don't forget Herb and Buck Williams, Buck was my boy
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