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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. http://i56.tinypic.com/255o1s5.gif
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySySC_MaeJ4
  3. I got to watch Ewing/Starks against Reggie/Smits, Hardaway/Mourning, Jordan/Pippen, etc etc... But God damn it's about time to watch some winning basketball again. If this team disappoints, I might die.
  4. Psh, we just got done watching a decade of Shandon Anderson's and Felton Spencer's. Howard Eisley's and Sergio Rodriguez's. This IS our trio of all-stars
  5. CmS has some anti-Amar'e obsession and pursues all of his fans... It's weird.
  6. Gabby come backkkkkkkkkkkkkk Defense is atrocious.
  7. [expletive]in Wil Wide open to cut the lead to 1, bricks a 3
  8. Boston announce team has the game muted before half. Good job, guys.
  9. The home court bull[expletive] calls are astounding me so far...
  10. It is also certainly unique when a team ranks 5th yearly in attendance and plays in an outrageous market, but still allows a team to outbid them on every player. Empty those pockets, Moreno.
  11. Don't joke JYD, they'll bash Clinton to hell too. Been my solution for years (since the first Bush term, actually). Repeal the 22nd amendment, reinstate Slick Willy. [expletive], I would have voted for Hillary just to get Bill back in the White House.
  12. You aren't even good at being a troll lately. Step up your posting game.
  13. 99% of society would just say he's dressed like a wigger.
  14. Who says they will win if they spend that 3 times as much? Look at the Cubs and Mets, friendo. There are no guarantees in baseball.
  15. Wilson is better suited as a 6th man for us because he can play the 2-4. Last game he subbed in for Mozgov, which pushed Amar'e to the 5 and left Chandler at the 4. He saw time at the 2 and the 3. That kind of versatility, whoever struggles out of the gate gets replaced by Chandler and the rest of the lineup shuffles around. There are endless possibilities with a player who can go shooting guard and power forward all in the same breath. Not to downgrade Fields, he's been great ever since we picked him up. Plays hard, doesn't fatigue easily, shoots well and plays smart basketball. His intelligence on the court is probably 1/2 of what has him starting.
  16. Buying some candy for the ToT'ers and kicking it with my ladyfriend. First year at this apartment, no idea the volume of kids rolling through. Should be interesting.
  17. I do you blame you for suggesting Jude Judy.
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