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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  2. Never done chute runs, I'm sure they'd help. Box jumps help a whole lot with your vert for sure. Stack until you barely make a jump, but don't be superman because its easy to get hurt when you miss a jump that high. Work at that height (remember how many stacks) until you can go one higher. If you're getting one too easy but not ready for a new box, go up with ankle weights or dumbbells. Easy stuff I'm sure you know, but do them standing still, bend, and land with bended knees at the top. Stand straight up if there's room before you get down, and be careful on the dismount Not sure if that's what you're asking about but hopefully it helps haha
  3. Like jumping on stacked crates and shit? I used to do it for baseball/basketball
  4. lol Flash is almost as bad at politics as he is college algebra
  5. I don't think this is true at all. This team is miles deeper than the past couple years, we don't have to deal with Toney Douglas and Bill Walker chucking and making nothing. Melo has also played a completely different game to start this season than he did last year, so I'm not sure he'd just decide to change his mind. I think that if you bring Amar'e off the bench with the 2nd unit, that offensive output doesn't miss a beat between rotations.
  6. They just did a fan cam and played gangnam, they only showed like 7 groups of Asians lmao so racist but funny
  7. Me and Phightins are having a blast. Weird "big" lineup from the 6ers starting with Hawes and Kwame
  8. I'm at a Clinton election rally right now, waiting to get inside Gobama
  9. Rose, Westbrook, Lillard .. who will be the next sig set PG?
  10. He was holding out for the mini exception, has that changed? He also can't play the 3, not at his age.
  11. The PG play is seriously such a day and night difference so far. Lin was great, but Kidd and Felton are just so much more aware out there.. The way Kidd eats up a Melo pick and then clears out to give him space on the wing is so beautiful. Felton has been able to knife through the paint as we all remember, and he's put all that weight bullshit to rest. Defensive boost is welcomed as well. Fun to watch so far!
  12. Hope we play this well tomorrow night.. But I'm sure Chris disagrees! lol
  13. lol, it actually sparked a huge debate on twitter and ended with the creator of Duke Nukem Forever getting roasted, so win-win
  14. Great look from Brewer there but Chandler wasn't looking for it. The ball movement from this team is so inspiring.
  15. LOL wow flagrant.. What a soft [expletive]ing call. Your new NBA, ladies and gents.
  16. I know what you mean Fish. He looks driven. Decent quarter, too many 2nd chances and missed freebies. Keep playing hard fellers.
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