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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. You were trying to stir a response. Same as your "blame it on Bush" comment from the other day. You are incapable of an objective conversation because you have a closed mind. Not interested in arguing with that. End of conversation, later homie!
  2. Yes, but as a switch hitter, he's probably literally not seen a pitch from a left handed pitcher as a left handed batter in at least a decade.
  3. No, that's not all you were asking. You made a smarmy jab at the people who don't agree with you about the Tea Party and voted that way. Not butthurt, I laughed when I posted that Just getting the message to you.
  4. The pitcher was a lefty. Lefty on lefty matchups are avoided if possible.
  5. The rippling titty fat after that chest pump will haunt my dreams tonight. What a horrendous turn of events.
  6. Brandon Jacobs isn't and hasn't been available.
  7. Only one or two hits would have qualified Sunday. What's your point? It's not a rule change, it's an enforcement change. It's something they're trying to stop from happening, and the players obviously don't care about the fines. It's what has to happen.
  8. Suspensions will only be applied to malicious hits, like Meriweather's on Heap and Harrison's on Massaquoi. Unintentional and lesser occurences will continue to be fines. That part is not an issue. A ton of the concussed QB's were on wrap ups where their head hits the ground on the follow through of the tackle. Not an issue either. Robinson's hit was an attempt to cause an incompletion, which he accomplished. I have no problem with his hit, and he's appealing the fine... Should win. His hit also won't apply to the new suspension guideline. This will lessen the amount of guys launching their body and leading with their helmet, which is supposed to be outlawed to begin with. If you can't face up your opponent, face up, and form tackle your opponent... You aren't much of a football player to begin with. This will be a huge problem for a Cortland Finnegan type player, who generally doesn't know how to tackle without launching and leading with his helmet. The Tomlinson thing will not be a suspension, because as you've outlined it, it is not malicious in intent and is not a purposeful act. Making a play is not the same as making a dirty hit. There are overreactions going on. They are further enforcing a rule in the NFL, and instead of a meaningless chunk of salary (which obviously wasn't keeping these players from the hits), they will miss a full game - impacting their team. Players will be forced to play the game right... What a travesty.
  9. I voted yes, I think a few expletives help make a point that you'd like to emphasize. I agree that they shouldn't be used as attacks on other members, and it would have to be policed fairly diligently. But I generally enjoy a good expletive here and there
  10. It's not an added elimination, launching and helmet to helmet hits are outlawed in the NFL rulebook. It's simply more strictly enforcing the rules that are not being followed. People WILL go low now, and it's a shame. The art of the form tackle has disappeared from football. Makes me appreciate a guy who plays right that much more. You also have to factor in that a low hit might result in a prematurely ended career, but a high hit might result in a prematurely ended life (as studies have shown with former NFL players with trauma to the head, which is what adds to the crackdown and handling of concussions).
  11. No sir... That's what the NFL will be implementing when someone launches with a helmet to helmet hit and a guy dies on the field. THAT's when it will become flag football. These rules are attempting to prevent that from happening.
  12. I'm not taking a stance either way on this, as I haven't seen Turner play yet... But Morrison was outrageously productive in college, one of the sickest/smoothest strokes I've seen in a while and could score with four hands in his face. Just went to [expletive] via injuries and a game that hasn't translated.
  13. Poor Andy gave up a soft homer. He was pretty [expletive]ing great tonight... Have to admire it. Guys are going to have to scratch and claw tomorrow night with Burnett on the mound. Going to need to score runs. Would be nice if the lineup would stop being such a collective group of overpaid underperformers.
  14. Knicks played decently, good things from different players. Douglas took charge of the last possession, nice pass by Turiaf got him at the rim and to the free throw line with one tick left.
  15. Anyone here who thinks $250k isn't living the good life... You're wildly delusional.
  16. Problem, Fish? Don't talk [expletive] if you don't want to own up to it when you're wrong... It's a fairly simple concept. Be humble/a man and admit your mistake.
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