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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. C'mon man, we know who this is directed at. Flash's mother's uncle's niece's friend's sister's mailman's brother's third cousin's florist's nephew knew someone who is a Yankees fan once... it's clear that he had no choice in the fanhood. Plus the Marlins have poor management and aren't as good. Friggin hater.
  2. How many Wolverhampton Wanderers playoff games have you been to?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN8KhamioXE&feature=related
  4. Gaborik out with the soft [expletive] D-pairing of Gilroy and Eminger... Gets destroyed, out 2-3 weeks with a separated shoulder. Drury's first game back after a broken finger... Breaks finger again in 2nd period. Out 6 weeks. Same finger, new break... what are the odds? Prospal has his surgery, out indef. Overtime loss on a PP set up by a penalty by Staal, who has been awful after holding out for his money this offseason. Great day for the Rangers.
  5. Not that I'm saying it was a strike... Because I don't think it was... But the 3-1 pitch to Posada was a ball and he ended up flying out. So... it would have simply been a makeup call regardless.
  6. I'm excited at the game, flabbergasted by your comment. That play is made less than 10% of the time on a ball hit that hard.
  7. You said that should have been a routine double play... Young had 1% chance at even stopping that ball. I was flabbergasted and confused. Wasn't sure if srs.
  8. It's all good, welcome to the game of baseball. I hope you enjoy your stay! We can use more fans. And being a Yankees hater is not cute. Not AT ALL!
  9. 1. New York Rangers, yes. Do ho ho. You were mocking C.C., I'm a Yankees fan. Makes sense, no? 2. I'm just forewarning. Don't get sensitive after a playoff loss if I come in with some anti-Lakers comments. Seems fair game, right?
  10. Chosen the "Rangers fan"... They're called umpires. Not refs. SMH. -_- Confidence, if the Lakers are losing a game this year and I come in and say "LMAO Kobe is getting worked, I love it"... Don't want to hear a single complaint from anyone. <_< C.J. Wilson is pretty good. At least C.C. only going 4 leaves him available for a game 4 start if they're down 2-1... Which is seeming likely. All or nothing offense is whiffing tonight! Really missing out on opportunities with runners on base.
  11. sup dawgs... Let's all meet up for a game this year.
  12. Go scope out a trade piece, I'm the [expletive]ters
  13. I really need a running back... Of any shape or sort. Could be awesome or a fringe guy... Just need a guy for Sunday. Anyone?
  14. I think they look pretty [expletive]ing cool...
  15. I'm not sure what GMs would have done, but he wasn't the consensus #1 like he was in Minny.
  16. The entire video was about his "Muslims killed us on 9/11" comment and the co-hosts' reactions. You're reaching for something that isn't there.
  17. Well lock the thread, it's settled.
  18. Nobody said Calvin or Andre is or were poor receivers. Do you honestly think people considered Randy Moss the best WR in football when he was with the Raiders? How about after coming to the Patriots?
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