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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Bill O'Reilly is a [expletive]ing tool
  2. He thinks two wideouts in the NFL could each arguably be the best under their different circumstances, you told us how incredible the 9ers would be. Who is worse? STFU already.
  3. I thoroughly apologize if I gave the impression that I expected different.
  4. RicBucher Birdman: "I see your red lips, Kenyon, and I raise you the underside of a highway overpass."
  5. I didn't watch the game, but I was following on ESPN on my phone on the drive home to Philly... I swear in the 2nd half on three or four straight possessions Harangody pulled an offensive rebound that allowed the Celtics 2nd chance points... can't happen. Going to be in some trouble if someone doesn't decide to rebound the basketball.
  6. C.C. Hughes Pettitte Burnett C.C. Hughes Pettitte Really hope we don't end up down 3-2 at their place saving Pettitte for game 7... My guess is they'd flip-flop the two.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ealpzY4PLk&feature=related
  8. Was a fan of his until I heard he stole a $20 bill out of a woman's hand in a Fridays restaurant... Then I became a HUGE fan. Jk, but I wish him well in Seattle. Beast mode!
  9. I described a typical Democrat, not Republican? I wasn't describing a typical anything... I was describing you and Flash. See, the funny thing is... When I spoke, I spoke directly of ECN and Flash and my opinions formed on them from their posts on this forum. When ECN went on that rant just now? Literally nothing he had to say pertained to me. At all. So good job generalizing an opinion on some random [expletive] person that has nothing to do with this conversation... [expletive]ing idiot. You two are so predictable. Not debating this topic any longer with you guys... So respond if you need the sense of "win", but I won't be reading it.
  10. I didn't jump down your throat, simply posted my opinion about the team. The other thing just reminded me of the Mets comment.
  11. @ Minny @ GB @ NYG @ Indy @ Philly 5 tough road games. Home against NYG, NO, Philly, WAS will be no cakewalk either. This team has an outrageously tough schedule the rest of the way whether they click or not. Going to be tough for them. Fish, your undefeated comment made me remember the "if the Mets pitching turns around, they can go to the World Series" comment from earlier in the year, that's all. No offense.
  12. No - Too deep of a hole. Carr - Honestly can't be worse than Smith. Looked good in spot play the past few years. Yes - He's simply not a good coach. Crabtree - Stretching the field with Crabs will open the intermediate for Vernon and the running for Gore.
  13. Gotta love the Young Republican apologists in here who will blindly follow their party off the edge of a cliff. Absolutely inexcusable and sad. These kids have no idea what it's like to live in the real world, don't support themselves, etc etc etc. Their political views are those of extreme entitlement. I hope that when they are actually thrust in adulthood, that the real world takes a big, fat dump on them so that they can understand how completely idiotic they've been with their immature and shortsighted views on the world for so long. When all you can respond to this thread with is "The Democrat is worse" or "Obama is horrible"... you are drowning in bias. Take a look around with some objectivity, children. ::waits for Young Republicans to make excuses and deflect comments::
  14. No, hosing down a burning house would have been the right thing to do.
  15. Moss got one target last week because he was on his way out the door, fought with Brady, fought with the QB coach... Had very little to do with Vontae.
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