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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I am being 100% serious that I will keep my daughter locked in the house until she's 30. After she turns 18 it will be kidnapping, but ahhh who cares. Thank you for your unnecessarily serious response.
  2. Jay Cutler hates being hit/sacked. As a result, he will often throw the ball up for grabs when he feels the rush. If the Giants can't get a rush against Frank Omiyale and Kevin Schaffer, I have 0 hope for this team -_-
  3. Rivers > Romo Best > Wallace Young > Gradkowski Rape.
  4. I've been saying for years now... If I ever have a daughter, she isn't leaving the house until she's 30.
  5. Trap game? lol Giants aren't that bad, Bears aren't that good. Going to be a slobbernocker.
  6. This was [expletive]ing awesome!
  7. I've got shirts and hats made for the day his contract expires, I can send you one if you'd like
  8. lol that kid got pwnt so hard by the world's nerdiest cop
  9. lol it's also not that hard to realize it's not about the topic, friendo.
  10. Or every conversation could stop turning into a dick waving [expletive]fest.
  11. Mozgov has been the center of discussion through training camp so far, he's looked great. He was impressive in FIBA against pros, too. I have high hopes for him. Super athletic.
  12. Let's play a game... Everyone tuck their penis back in their pants, we can all pretend that they're all the same size, and we can STFU about the Heat already.
  13. I would be absolutely flabbergasted if we at the 10th seed again. I see us as high as 6, as low as 8. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic.
  14. Hellllllllllllllllll yeah save your change all year, never ever use change when you're out, always break a bill and put the change in the jar, always pay with cash... You'll have enough for a full vacation by the time day 365 rolls around. Might seem annoying when you're doing it, but you get used to it and get to sit on a cruise ship for a week when it's over with.
  15. It's not real often that the Knicks have brought in a guy who is used to winning ball games. He knows what it takes, and knows how to be a professional. Can't wait for this season, there is so much upside. Goodbye Isiah era!
  16. If Melo doesn't come to the Knicks, and other teams make fun of us for it... I'm blaming you, Fish. Just STFU -_-
  17. Yeah it was first come, the 9ers are already taken. Steelers, Titans, Jaguars, Bills, Broncos, Vikings, Buccaneers, Saints, Redskins, Cardinals are open.
  18. Beginning reminds me of Imogen Heap
  19. Anyone else? Still a handful of teams open.
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