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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I don't mind J Biebs, he does his thing. He's got the skillz to pay the billz. That, and http://lesbianswholooklikejustinbieber.tumblr.com/ gives me teh lulz.
  2. You mad you're the same age and girls think you're icky?
  3. Will Beatty is having surgery on his fractured foot and Kevin Boss is out with a concussion (apparently hitting a defenseless receiver didn't apply yesterday... SMH). [expletive]. Look for Bear Pascoe to come off the practice squad for the game next week.
  4. I offered you the best QB in the game and you turned me down
  5. Happy with the week 1 results. We had our problems with drops, poor throws, and offensive line woes... But the drops and poor throws I believe will improve with more practice and chemistry and as the rain certainly didn't help. The offensive line was a bit of a porous being, but I contribute some of it to O'Hara being out all summer, Seubert shuffling around to different positions, McKenzie being out, Diehl playing guard, etc etc etc. I still think Shawn Andrews is the better choice at LG over Rich Seubert, but we'll see moving foward. Andrews got in on the red zone possession where Bradshaw scored, and he looked good. Phillips was tremendous in his return, made a shoestring tackle to save a touchdown in the first half and picked a ball off in the red zone in the fourth quarter. Deon Grant was great as a 3rd safety in nickle packages, his INT was a very nice one, and his play to keep Steve Smith in bounds towards the end of the first half was a great veteran move. The D-Line brought the heat, the pass rush in the 2nd half was great after the running game threat was neutralized. I loved the linebacker play, I loved the secondary play. Loved it. Thanks to [expletive] special teams and offensive play at times, the average starting field position for the Panthers was their 40... Dodge was awful, the kick coverage was awful... It was all-around awful. Yet the defense stood strong and held them to field goals. They scored one TD and it was on field position at the 50 in a no huddle offense... Could have been much worse. Turnovers need to be severely cut down and special teams need to improve (hopefully Blackburn is alright and Calhoun finds his way onto the field this upcoming week). The offensive line can play better. But my outlook is optimistic.
  6. You made the statement 5 days ago when it wasn't... Stop making excuses and eat your crow. I'll respect you more for it ^_^
  7. Pure comedy, which is the reason I think most people watch it in the first place. It's funny. It's entertaining.
  8. I called Maclin outproducing Desean Jackson this year, I hope he keeps playing well.
  9. Everyone hates the Yankees, except for "us".
  10. What were you alive for, one of those? Only thing that matters is right now. Braves are 9 games better than the Cardinals. Stop being so annoying.
  11. I know that you're going to call me a stalker, but I have to ask anyway... How did you pick the Heat/Packers/Yankees?
  12. Wow, that was horrendous. What an awful call.
  13. The broadcasters aren't blaming him on the last one, but he took forever setting up that punt and getting it off. Still think he's gone.
  14. lol nah I just could have 100% sworn that you were from Philly. Who knew!
  15. I came in here to give props to Terrell Thomas, and already I'm giving them to Kenny Phillips too. Nice!
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