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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Welcome the [expletive] back, Kenny Phillips.
  2. Wasn't a drop, ball was behind him and high. Witty, though.
  3. That was a CRAZY interception by Deon Grant. Huge play after the turnover by Eli.
  4. When you getting on so I can bust that [expletive]? I saw you on yesterday but you went on Batman instead Seeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  5. You're just mad that I took the Reds side in the Cardinals brawl. FWIW they're still 7 games up. And it's couldn't "have".
  6. It's a public forum. A new post is made, if I have an opinion on it, I post it. Sorry if that upsets you bro, I didn't know your self confidence was so wavering that an opposite opinion/post would hurt you so badly that you'd come up with some sort of conspiracy theory. Get over it/stop posting.
  7. I did better than perfect, they were flabbergasted
  8. Obsession with you and your posts? Kid, don't flatter yourself, and don't post on a public forum if you don't have the fortitude for people to respond to them in a critical manner.
  9. Winning % with Kyle Kosier at guard. You automatically know less.
  10. Bryant Gumbel > Yugo > Flash > STL10 Boom
  11. Are you going to keep putting OSU* until someone says something so that you can go on your little rant?
  12. Phew, I started feeling super old when all these guys were saying they were in elementary school I was a sophomore in high school, and I remember walking through the halls between class and hearing people talking about how some tourist plane had crashed into the towers on accident, I was all "wtf must have been a stupid accident". I got to my computer technology class with Mr. K and he put on the TVs and we saw the second plane had already hit and that it was an attack. I remember an "Oh my God" escaping from the class but not much else being said or done. It was like everyone was frozen in shock/fear, we were so close to NYC and scare of what would happen next. School didn't end, if I remember correctly. But if you had family in the city, you were allowed to call someone to be picked up. Crazy day, I still remember everyone in the class I was in when I found out and how the teacher reacted and all that.
  13. 3/5 for 40 yards, 2 rushes for 14 yards and a TD
  14. Why argue with the biggest apologist on the board... Should know better, Lkr.
  15. Most stores only have midnight releases for big games. And you must reserve to get it for the midnight release.
  16. The cheeseburger ones are bangin, they taste just like a cheeseburger... But you can't have more than like 5. Then they're just nasty. I agree with Flash, Cool Ranch > Nacho. Slightly. I was making fun of Lkr for saying Doriotos, but I'm glad this turned into a fun discussion!
  17. I think they're holding A. Ross out this game with his heel, so that he'll be ready for the pass heavy Colts. Really, really hoping that this defense looks good under Fewell. Lord knows we have the talent.
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