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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. If I walked my dog for a total of three hours in an entire week she'd probably die.
  2. I had some Chinese TA's and professors at Rutgers-Newark, you definitely get used to it. You can always ask them to repeat or explain something too, they know their English sucks and won't be mad.
  3. He was speaking of teachers, not students.
  4. Yeah, honestly. After Konerko, the player I feared last series the most was Andruw Jones... not good. Going to be clutch for them to have a Manny in that lineup.
  5. Ehhh I don't like uncertain backfields. Maybe when the Seattle starter is announced?
  6. I don't think I'd give DeAngelo for that package alone... Sorry. If there's nothing we can do without him, nevermind.
  7. Vernon can move, but you have to upgrade me somewhere.
  8. Owen, I'm hard for Taste the DwayneBowe. What you looking for? Confidence, I'll also take my boy Nickers
  9. http://i45.tinypic.com/25s7ous.gif
  10. A nasty looking [expletive] with a fine [expletive] body. She tries to blow up every celebrity she can get her hands on... And she's a huge whore. She's the one who recently blew up Soulja Boy for doing coke, she took a video and sent it everywhere.
  11. He's not a special talent, but he's getting a shot because he's a Ewing. I disagree, but that's what he's saying
  12. Dude I agree, now I love them. Thank you for showing me!
  13. Digging it. Not as good as their early stuff, but better than No World for Tomorrow. Anyone else fans of Coheed?
  14. I hope so too :sigh: Earl Thomas looks like somethin special, huh?
  15. He can't be worse than Posada or Cervelli behind the plate, and his bat is a plus over either of them... especially so for Cervelli. There's only a week left of AAA, right? Bring this kid up when the rosters expand and let him play. DFA Cervelli for all I care.
  16. Sumtin, WTF happened to SportsRefuge? All my Giants friends are gone
  17. My notes from the game: Thames baby! Love this guy. Nunez didn't really hit in the minors... Glad to see he's popping, even if it'll be shortlived. Where the [expletive] is Montero? Boone Logan has been an absolute rock in our bullpen. [expletive] Vazquez, Vizciano, and Melky... This guy turned out to be the gem of the trade. Who in the world is going to show up in our rotation? Where is Andy? Nova is being chased for giving himself B-12 injections. AJ/Vazquez/Philthy have sucked. Anyone? Bueller? Posada and Cervelli are about as bad of defensive catchers as you can get in the major leagues. I'll say it again: Where the [expletive] is Montero?
  18. Might not have seen the ball was loose after he wrapped him up, and was just sending a message by tossing him... Don't think the head was the focal point of the toss, I think he had a grasp of the shoulder pads or jersey in the back/off camera. That and he's a [expletive]ing rhinoceros.
  19. Frankie [expletive]ing Edgar baby! Toms River, NJ! I made him subs all summer, clearly why he won. He was in a week or two ago. [expletive]ing sick! Love it!
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