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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I've been staying up until at least 4 AM for the past two weeks and getting up whenever, for work at 9 or 10 or just getting up on my own around 11. Been really tired.
  2. Song is sick! Watched him get punched in the face by a chick too, [expletive] was funny.
  3. Nitro, cool man, have fun... PP is a really nice town, nice little boardwalk. If you ever make it further south around Seaside, hit me up! The story, the cast went to the SuperCuts in Toms River, one of the cutters there is on my softball team. They were laughing and one of them made a joke about the shop or the owner, and the owner started calling everybody out, saying [expletive] you come outside, blah blah. Situation got up to say 'whoa calm down' and the owner rocked him in the face, lol. I really hope it makes it on the show, haha... Though I bet it doesn't. Sitch got dropped.
  4. Nitro where you gonna be at? I got a story about the cast when they were in my town, someone remind me to bring it up tomorrow.
  5. Just heard that they're strongly considering Danny McBride for Michael's role when he leaves the show... I would explode with joy!
  6. lol I wouldn't touch Angelina with trutrojan's chode JUST KIDDING BRO, I HEAR YOU'RE HUGE But she's still nasty
  7. Been listening to more of Hamilton lately, starting to dig him.
  8. lol I'm fine either way, just have a man crush on Billy. (wow that sounds... gay.)
  9. Sick [expletive]ing game for Johan, exactly what the Mets needed. Joe and Evan were just talking before the game about how badly the Mets could use Johan to pitch a 9 inning gem; he obliged.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOJqicM6x84
  11. Beating up your father in law FTL He is in custardy
  12. [expletive]ty Blackberry pic, but you get the jist... http://i34.tinypic.com/2euoeut.jpg
  13. That [expletive] is the worst, when I play online against like a team of 4 and get raped with checks.
  14. http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/nba/news/story?id=5456334
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