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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Yup, we aren't built for huge rains like this the way Florida is, since they have hurricanes all the time. The topography up here is horrible for heavy rains.
  2. This bitch is tearing shit up already and isn't even close yet
  3. He'd be lucky to play again. He'll be out probably at least a full year.
  4. 5k for type 1 diabetes went well, storm is kicking up now that its done
  5. The way they're talking about it on the news right now makes me worried I won't be able to make it home from work tomorrow night lol
  6. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc6dlsynJa1roup2jo1_1280.jpg
  7. I'll put an order in tonight or tomorrow if you're still up for it
  8. And no just a game ticket lol.. Take the Chinatown bus it's like $10 round trip.. Redbus or whatever it's called
  9. I'm gonna have to work Sun and Mon morning but I'd be down to chill otherwise.. Not sure what anyone else is up to
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