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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. lol I don't think you're post padding... not that I'd even remotely care if you were. I just thought it was funny that you made a thread saying how you might not have time to post, and then you post over 66 times and still haven't left yet
  2. Now here's a question... Were you not sure if you'd be able to post it because you'd be busy getting ready, or did you just foresee being busy with your 66+ posts between this one and having still not left?
  3. Name:- Luke Valentine Height:- 6'4" Weight:- 250 lbs Hometown:- Detroit, MI Nicknames:- The Legacy, Lightning Luke Valentine Theme Music:- Slipknot - Before I Forget Gimmick:- HEEL, Hired Gun... Think of a Bradshaw in the Acolytes/APA Manager: - N/A Wrestling Style: - Power Character Rep (A celebrity that you want to represent you, be it a wrestler, musician, actor, etc.): - Represent me as in... who I'm modeled after? Or who I'm actually affiliated and represented by? Lemme know so I can edit it Description of Entrance: - Plain Jane heel entrance... stops a few times on the way to the ring to yell at crowd, pound his chest, grunt, etc... Gets in the ring, goes on ropes in corners and yells at the crowd, etc. Moveset: Grappling Moves Verticle Suplex, DDT, Eye Poke, Samoan Drop, Bulldog, Russian Leg Sweep, Scoop Slam, Gut Kick, Big Punch, Belly to Belly Suplex, Leg Whip, Piledriver, Throat Chop, Neckbreaker, European Uppercut Submission Holds Boston Crab, Ankle Lock Rest Holds Side Headlock, Full Nelson Set-Up Moves Big Spear, Finishing Moves , Legacy Breaker,
  4. http://emochicks.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/fat-emo-chick.jpg
  5. A straight one who loves a fat [expletive] and some thighs with meat on them... mmmm. Spend weeks in there. Has to be pretty face, but tbh the first thing I look at is the lower half.
  6. LT's Teenie Boppers select: QB Tom Brady http://i26.tinypic.com/6s8me9.jpg
  7. I don't see Guillen going for that trash, but an Ollie/Frenchy for Meche/Farnsworth would be heavenly for the Mets.
  8. Damnit, I hate youtube videos that disable embedding...
  9. Whoops, totally forgot the reason I mentioned Podsednik... He made a filthy play in the left field corner just now. It'll be on SportsCenter.
  10. A-Rod just got pegged in a blowout game, bases loaded in the 8th with a chance at 600... I hope we retaliate this inning Sidenote, I have fallen in love with Scotty Pods this series... I've always liked him, but he's come a long way this year from his CHW days.
  11. ESPN.com Knicks message board back when I was 12 or 13...
  12. Wait until Paul throws a fit and starts telling teams he doesn't want to go to that he won't play there, he'll be a problem, won't re-sign, etc... The Hornets will end up getting 10 cents on a dollar. Pissing the guy off causes trouble for them, so I don't get this angle.
  13. My dog is laying all the way on the other side of the room I'm in, and the song I'm listening to has someone whistling in it... She started wagging her tail like crazy and looking around to see who was whistling at her, and then realized she was dumb and layed back down :lol:
  14. I picked the Reds (picked them last year too... -_- ) as my sleeper team this year... Has to be the Padres. I expected them to be atrocious, but that pitching staff is filthy.
  15. Easily some of the funniest [expletive] I've ever watched... The one with Jon Hamm had me in tears/stitches. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmerZQ02mQ0 http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/ujd http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/1vgt
  16. Trill OG is going to be so fire, I can't [expletive]ing waittttttttt
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