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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I have the Blackberry 9700, it's a beast and I really love it. Would I like an iPhone? Maybe, but the extra costs aren't really worth it for me. There is also no warranties on iPhones, right? I'd have broken mine by now =( If you're not an app/game fiend, grab the BBerry.
  2. At least he got to watch us [expletive] kick the Phillies in the '09 World Series before he went. Such a tremendous impact on the Yankees and the sport of baseball itself. RIP, Boss.
  3. lol I guess I don't see what greedy has to do with it... But I guess so. Nuthugger.
  4. Bosh was never even remotely considered in LBJ's class. He never had the brand. He never had the respect. He never had the talent... He was never in the running for "greatest player of all time". Nobody cared because it is/was Chris Bosh. The guy was touted as a Jordan or a Kobe... In reality, he can't even carry their jocks. You don't get mad at Sue Storm for being in the Fantastic 4 because her powers were limited and she was a dumb [expletive]. Superman teaming up with Batman and Spiderman because he doesn't feel like saving the world any longer by himself? Weak.
  5. I absolutely agree, and I've said it before... in NY, the team is still on his shoulders and the pressure is all on him. He outweighs Amar'e by a large amount. In Miami, he's no more than Wade's Robin, with Bosh playing Catwoman. Cowardly. In my eyes. Also, I see Nitro's novelesque counterpoints have made a return... SMH
  6. You are using hypotheticals and then saying we're retarded as a result of your hypothetical scenarios... Sensible. Get off Bron's satchel
  7. It's not at all the same thing. I genuinely feel Lebron is a coward. You're just catching feelings and carrying old arguments into new threads. Get over it. Lebron and Melo's situations could not be more different (if he hypothetically left), and you know it.
  8. lol Poo Holes won't leave the Cards because his daughter has down syndrome and he has a nice house? Weird logic. I don't think he leaves either, just not for those reasons... Haha.
  9. SRV doesn't believe what he's saying, he's trying to make a point because I called Mega-Pippen a coward. It's just wayyy off base.
  10. lol @ SRV, Melo was born in NY and grew up in Baltimore. Not even close to Lebron... He also likely wouldn't hold an hour special in doing it
  11. I've learned not to get excited for these things (thanks, Mega-Pippen)... But this would be awesome.
  12. Why overpay Amar'e or Boozer when you can overpay Travis Outlaw
  13. Nova Scotia for 10 days, y'all have a great [expletive]ing week!
  14. Why brah, JJ is a beast. Beach living, maybe. Concert was ossimmmmmmmmmmmm
  15. bigdog17k (8:27:40 PM): OMG THIS JUST IN BEASLEY TO KNICKS kylebeelong (8:28:03 PM): no way bigdog17k (8:28:10 PM): just kidding sry bigdog17k (8:28:15 PM): would u have liked it kylebeelong (8:28:16 PM): kylebeelong (8:28:17 PM): no kylebeelong (8:28:26 PM): you've heard cop killer from Ice T? kylebeelong (8:28:28 PM): he's the cap killer
  16. At the Jack Johnson concert, wasted, G. Love comes on soon
  17. Uni, I meant no disrespect. NJ pride.
  18. lol this Russian guy has been awful, Nets fans must be bummed. Blueprint for Mediocrity. Get that banner away from MSG.
  19. I think it was the contract needed to get him to come over. Theo Ratliff was the fallback option...
  20. You write that? Knicks got Anthony Randolph, not Morrow. I hope you're right about the 5 seed, though! Nice article.
  21. 66k blowjobs, she'd have to set up a single form line and it would still take a month
  22. Think if I follow her she'll make the trip? A porn star from the Netherlands named Bobbi Eden has promised oral sex for all of her Twitter followers if the Netherlands win the World Cup. Fun! Eden’s number of followers has gone from just over 4,000 on Tuesday when she first made her courageous promise, to 66,163 as of right now. http://www.sportsgrid.com/media/dutch-porn-star-if-holland-wins-world-cup-its-blowies-for-everyone/
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