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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Nobody picked NJ over NY, so technically he was right Errrrr wut?
  2. Yes! Recently was in Brothers Bloom (which was good!), Darjeeling Limited, Cadillac Records.
  3. Two things put me at ease so far regarding this kid: He was the top ranked IFA player two years running at draftexpress, and according to Berman, nobody thought his team would agree to such a buyout, so they've been very hush hush about the deal so that another team with more cap space didn't swoop in and grab him at a higher offer.
  4. Almost forgot to mention, Danny Trejo is in this... Making it a must-see in itself.
  5. 7'1" C out of Russia. 23 years old, supposedly has tremendous upside. I personally know nothing of him, but this tickles me as a much better signing than Petro. We shall see! Donny Walsh making moves.
  6. Simple, Simmons must be a pure hater. Give his words no credit, he is blinded by UMAD.
  7. Troll getting mad at trolling? OH SWEET IRONY!
  8. If we stop, can we get a board Audi to share? Nice things are nice.
  9. I know it's been posted in another form, but seriously... this video applies SO MUCH to what we all just watched! 100% perfect comparison. Bron = Hulk. Picture the crowd as Cleveland, the billionaire owner offering title shots and matches as Pat Riley, Macho Man is the Cleveland ownership... It's perfect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H76DwHgOwpA
  10. No, you're mad I called Lebron a coward... lol
  11. lol... your last line shows just how mad you are. You probably jammed a finger you typed that response with such rage.
  12. http://i30.tinypic.com/4iel44.jpg lol He doesn't have to care what I think in order for me to form an opinion on him one way or the other and share it on a forum... lol.
  13. Caps again, why are you so mad that I don't share your opinion? Would Diana Taurasi be so mad right now?
  14. lol, I just finished saying I wouldn't have hated if he went to CLE, NJ, NY, CHI, or LAC. You read this thread yet?
  15. lol nah it said "this [expletive] too hard"
  16. lol, you just used all caps. You furious. I hate Lebron even more now.
  17. I said Lebron, not the Heat *** There are few with respect for Lebron right now, even unbiased sports writers.
  18. No, I'm mad that Bron completely ruined his legacy, respect, brand, etc. all to take the easy route. The fans of 29 teams in the league hate him now. I get that Heat fans won't get it, he's yours and you're thrilled.
  19. Bron + Amar'e =/= Bron + Wade + Bosh TBH, I'm fairly sure I would have been fine with him signing with any of the others (Bulls, Knicks, Nets, Clippers, Cavs) over the assassins squad.
  20. There's little use debating with most people on this site, everyone is entrenched in their opinions and arguing about it only further entrenches them. I think he's a giant coward, that's why I have such disdain towards the Heat right now. If you can recall, I congratulated the Heat on Wade/Bosh. It's not inherently the Heat that is drawing so much ire; it's Mega-Pippen James.
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