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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Bill Simmons just spontaneously combusted.
  2. I will, PM me your number... I won't store it, I promise hahah
  3. LeBron James has rented six cabanas at the W Hotel South Beach this weekend to celebrate his team decision, two sources confirm to UsMagazine.com. That adds more fuel to the fire that James, 25, will announce he's joining the Miami Heat Thursday night, as several insiders told ESPN this morning. http://www.usmagazine.com/moviestvmusic/news/lebron-james-plans-weekend-party-in-south-beach-201087
  4. lol mad you're styling on me? No, just mad that the three top FA's are all going to the same place.
  5. If Lebron signs in Miami, I'm going to rape, pillage, and plunder their entire city. Meet me at Flash's place if you're in.
  6. RicBucher Never tweeted LeBron was in Mia. A source said he was. Passed it on to the mothership. Made a 2nd call, told he was in Akron. Killed report.
  7. Flash, that's what I think. The Miami is either 100% not real, or ESPN told their new shining star Broussard to help them cover it up. Likely the latter.
  8. @Chris_Broussard: LeBron James spent Wed evening (6-8:30 pm) playing pickup softball with friends/fam in Akron. A shortstop, he led his team to victory.
  9. I wonder WTF this guy was tripping on? ROFL... Sorry if this was posted, I can't find it anywhere
  10. Good thing you didn't! lol... glad to hear you're alright.
  11. It's a good thing, we don't want our best hitter pulling an Abreu and completely hacking his swing.
  12. I'm amazed Duhon's on a team, let alone playing for above the vet minimum. I hope he plays well, as I've generally liked him... He was just horrendous last year.
  13. I hate the Heat... Hate hate hate the Heat... Zo and Timmy terrorized me growing up. But... this was tremendous for you guys. Congrats.
  14. http://sports.espn.go.com/chicago/nba/news/story?id=5361792
  15. Boozer to Chicago is a great move in so many ways... I'm scurred
  16. Seems like a lot of rumors being thrown to hype the special, but who has an hour special to destroy the hearts of your hometown? I still think he stays.
  17. The more pro-Knicks stuff I hear, the less I think it'll happen. His drama queen stuff won't fly on his ESPN special if he goes where people think he will.
  18. @JaredDudley619: Breaking News!!! My sources tell me Lebron will announce that he will be goin to the NY KNICKS tomorrow on ESPN.. This is serious.. WOW!!!!
  19. I'm just holding my breath and not saying [expletive] until tomorrow night. I have a habit of jinxing things. Please, NBA Gods, help a brotha out.
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