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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=9624881
  2. 17 ER in his past three starts.
  3. Lee can shoot an 18 footer, Scola can play a little defense. Depends on which is a bigger need.
  4. We could make a "don't take your inferior player just because he's on your team" rule.
  5. lol yeah, I can only dream of what Charlie Davies would have done for us if he hadn't gotten into that accident
  6. Houston Dynamo midfielder Lovel Palmer with an absolute cannon... The video eventually shows the shot from several different angles, it is a beautiful thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFpIo1hARU
  7. They have Donovan and Buddle! Of course they're dominant, lol.
  8. Seattle losing? Good... they're my least favorite MLS team.
  9. Hideki Matsui, love to see some .257/.334/.413 in the HR Derby
  10. 1 minutes Kingfish? Man up! We had to do those for 5 minutes without dropping at baseball, 5 extra minutes for each person who dropped!
  11. Knicks would never, ever do this. Getting no return on an expiring and a valuable S&T.
  12. Maverick Carter, LeBron James' business partner, will be flying to New York on Wednesday to meet with the Knicks, according to sources that spoke with Tommy Dee of The Knicks Blog. Dee also reports that MSG president Scott O'Neil flew to Ohio on Sunday.
  13. @NYPost_Berman: Knicks' Glen Grunwald and Scott O'Neil met only with the agent, not LeBron James, Saturday morning.
  14. Isola is a hater non-Knicks supporter, I don't listen to him. PS - Haters Gon Hate
  15. I'm sure that's not what happened, he's going to James Dolan's 4th of July party, is at the Yankees game now, and is having another meeting tomorrow. I hate all these rumors.
  16. I just think it's a joke, and if were a non-Phillies player, you'd 100% agree with me. I get it though. And -_- @ Villaescusa
  17. I didn't even realize that Howard was the one selected over him. Nevermind, makes complete sense why you're defending the decision. Howard over Votto is a complete joke. An atrocity to the nature of the ASG. An embarrassment.
  18. I hope that whichever country is closest to Africa wins
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