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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I'll let you know how my feelings have changed in 5 years? lol You are making excuses to have the #1 performing player in the National League not get initially selected on an all-star team. I am disappointed.
  2. I consider someone who isn't voted or selected on the initial team to be a snub. 4th best NL average, 2nd best NL OBP, 2nd best NL SLG, #1 OPS in the NL. How is that not voted or selected by the players/manager?
  3. Was that the one where the group of kids lit him on fire? ^^^
  4. Prust re-signed 2 years, $1.6M, and McDonagh is on his way! Rejoice!
  5. I lol'ed that Parker and Melo were under 'country'
  6. Whatever yo, it's 4th weekend, I love y'all, good luck to the neighbor Nets in FA, sorry for my words Nitro, I love you to. Fellow RU guru gets props as well. All of y'all have a good time tonight and tomorrow, I'll drink somethin for OTR. Love for everyone except HHH. He can still drink paint.
  7. My point is invalid in your eyes, sure. You're a Nets fan. I lived in Newark. It is arguably the [expletive]tiest cuty in the world.
  8. Nitro, you need to chill the [expletive] out, dude. James Dolan is the worst of the worst, I am not arguing that. Nets have a better core, I am also not arguing that. The mansion reference was to the stadium, not where he'll live. I don't agree with you, and I won't. Falling on deaf ears.
  9. Just read his custody battle might end with him splitting time with th kids with his wife in Illinois.
  10. I'm just amazed nobody cares enough to ban him yet.
  11. 'Some in the organization feel the Nets are behind the report. In fact, there are sources who said the Nets may be paranoid that their global pitch did not go as well as they think it did.'
  12. We missed out on Darko and Maggette, might as well pack it in
  14. You read "from a pure financial standpoint", right? I mean, you quoted it... so I'm assuming you did. I'm not disagreeing that the Nets are a better club.
  15. No I'm not trying to say that... He said paying for a 2nd round pick is stupid, and that you can pay less to intimidate the Knicks. I just think improving your team is more important, especially for a [expletive] team like ours.
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