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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. GO ZEALAND! Two goals this tourney: Go USA, Lose Italy.
  2. http://i48.tinypic.com/eu08c5.jpg The kid who says losing more than 0.5 lbs per week is unhealthy and 5% body fat is unhealthy is talking about common sense, always gives me teh lulz
  3. Thanks for the response, facepalm not necessary. Not as trolling without the facepalm though, I guess. I get it!
  4. How is a New Zealand team so pale?
  5. At least you'll look good while you kick rocks in those.
  6. Welcome to the Taylor Gang, you've earned it. http://i418.photobucket.com/albums/pp267/tonyab4/Chuck%20Taylor%20Hi/PinkChuckTaylor.jpg
  7. lol go to a site where people think your taylor gang stuff is witty.
  8. It's called being a troll and switching sides like a [expletive]g0t; figure out what you're talking about. http://i46.tinypic.com/2505vkl.gif
  9. inorite? Make up your mind, fat white kid from the burbs.
  10. You're wrong, I'm the idiot. Makes sense. Thanks, boo. Major contributor.
  11. CC/Johan should be fun, CC hasn't been pitching great lately, though. Dave Eiland, our pitching coach, took a random leave and he hasn't been back in a few weeks... and our pitching has dropped off significantly. I hope this doesn't linger -_-
  12. Not allowed in our thread He has a high ceiling, not better than Hughes this year though. SO FAR, at least.
  13. Fair enough, if you just think it's an opinion thing. Dammit, I was looking for more of an argument out of you
  14. Fish is a Mets fan and he put Pelfrey third... Hughes has without a doubt been the best of the three this year.
  15. Anybody have a link for the Roots album? I'd love it, if someone can hook me up :glasses:
  16. His "fast" isn't translating, he's an empty forward for us. We're much better with a 4-5-1 and Holden in the middle, or throwing Gomez or Buddle in Findley's spot. Even throwing Holden in the middle and pushing Dempsey up with Altidore would work.
  17. Moreno's from a few towns over from me, I got to watch him in high school... Beasttttttttttt
  18. lol @ katyperryornoballs
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