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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. These memes get http://emob140.photobucket.com/albums/r19/erikesemo/The%20Office/TC6.gif
  2. Giants: Barden, Hosley, Bernard, Nicks and Kenny Phillips are all out for Sunday's game Mo Austin will prolly start at DT, but who for Phillips? Sash, Stevie, or Wiiill Hiiill?
  3. Trollolol Look at 2:19 when Romney pulls out notes and puts them on the podium, clear violation of debate rules http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEBwp2IAdMA
  4. http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2012/10/04/958801/at-last-nights-debate-romney-told-27-myths-in-38-minutes/?mobile=nc http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2012/10/03/162263539/romney-goes-on-offense-pays-for-it-in-first-wave-of-fact-checks?ft=1&f=1001&sc=tw&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/10/romneys-successful-debate-plan-lying.html
  5. RT @NotoriousOHM: Coughlin said Hakeem Nicks will not play Sunday
  6. Kuroda has to be our pickup of the year.. guys like Ibanez, Rapada, Ichiro (deadline) have to get consideration, but Hiroki was lights out all year and was a pretty solid guy in that rotation through all the injuries and inconsistencies going on around him. Finishes with a 3.32 ERA in the AL East and a small ballpark, minimum of 3.6 WAR (24th in MLB).. pretty awesome.
  7. They said in-game the refs aren't going to be assessing anything. This is all tape review.
  8. Flopping penalties announced: http://www.cbssports.com/nba/blog/eye-on-basketball/20443201/nba-formally-announces-new-flopping-rule
  9. I don't have a problem with it, I was merely pointing out your faulty comparison. Sorry that you misunderstood.
  10. KEEP OBAMA IN PRESIDENT YOU KNOW this woman is way too much
  11. Yeah I mean I can imagine being exhausted at that 4 AM mark if I had to work that, all the way until 7+ AM? The human body isn't built for that I don't ever have to work beyond 9:30 PM, which is kind of nice. I think my body would fold up shop if I had to do 11 PM - 7:45 AM
  12. I really thought they were coming all the way back last night.. their late inning heroics are crazy. Down 5-1, got a 2 run HR and 1st and 2nd with no outs, I thought for sure Tampa was going to blow it.
  13. What time is your night shift? Like, done late at night, or overnight work?
  14. Didn't think either episode this season was funny tbh, but there are still the good old days
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