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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Locker has only been my quarterback for two weeks, so he's gotten me to 0-2. Got hurt after two passes this week, helped me put up 102 (26 points more than your team) last week. Matter of fact, before this week, my team had more points than yours overall scrub
  2. Paid professional who doesn't think so (debunks your "everyone" theory in one quote): Dude was the #13 QB in the league before getting hurt and a very, very popular sleeper choice heading into the year. Sorry that you're trying to make a point that isn't there, pal. Stop being so simple minded and learn the game.
  3. 13th ranked QB in a 16 team league, scored me 32 last week.. 18.7 PPG leading into this week. Got hurt.. should that be predicted, lol? Cutler, the guy I drafted, is 30th.
  4. Yup, got 6th most points scored and 2nd most points against.. nothing I can do about that. My division is stacked and they all have their best weeks against me. Didn't help that Locker died after two attempts, either.
  5. Incredibly photogenic wideout: http://minus.com/jN8MRykCRwM9k.jpg Has to be the best photo of the season so far
  6. I was actually shocked the other day when I heard that he only has one career 100+ yard game (against the Giants in his rookie year, on 3 receptions). He has way too much talent for that to be the case, but he's just such a headcase that he can't put it together.
  7. Bradshaw was in for 58 plays last night. Andre Brown for 9. So much for the effective running game we had while Ahmad was out.
  8. Absolutely he does. Eli has had Gilbride since 07. So his breakout was because of the guy who was there 4 years leading up? Did we win Super Bowls because of offensive play calling? Really?
  9. Giants look scared on offense already
  10. Yeah I was reading this on there last night, pretty cool and honest guy.
  11. He probably is, but not with a hated rival.. Makes it hard to root for him
  12. But do you think another guy we have is worth keeping around over Crazy Eyes? Or that we'll chase another FA if he's cut? That's really what it boils down to. He's a tough defender, rebounds, and is a great locker room presence. Kidd/Felton/Prigioni Smith/Brewer/Shump Melo/Novak Amare/Sheed Chandler/Camby That's 12, keep KT as 3rd PF/C and Copeland as 3rd SF and you still have a spot to add James White while Shump is out. You'd essentially be cutting him to keep one of the training camp scrubs, which I'd be against, or you cut him for more scoring depth like Josh Howard, which I wouldn't.
  13. Going Sunday to trade my 1st gen 40gb piano ps3 ($125) for the new model 250gb ultra slim Uncharted 3 bundle ($280). Get an extra $10 towards the bundle, too, so I'll pay $145 out of pocket before taxes for new model, controller, Uncharted 3, Dust 514, and PS+ for a month. Excited. Disc tray looks great and it's so much smaller/lighter. Plus it will work, lol.
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