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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I love DDD and think he's a great guy to talk sports with when he isn't discussing football. But football (I guess because the Giants have been successful) brings out the obnoxious in him. I don't think I'm being a dick at all.
  2. Nope, I'll just continue to hate sharing fanhood with the obnoxious Canuck
  3. Chillllllllllll driving music
  4. John Castellane ‏@PFF_Castellane After last nights game, Seahawks rookie def end Bruce Irvin is now 6th in the NFL in @PFF pass rush productivity. 12 pressures in 75 snaps.
  5. Did his left hand come off the ball? Was his right hand back on the ball before Jennings touched the ground? Tate had two hands on the ball and was pulling it towards his chest. Jennings was on top of him, so yes.. Jennings' shoulder pad is going to be in his chest. That is your (and the popular) opinion. I disagree. The refs disagreed. The replay booth disagreed. The NFL disagreed. The rest of the world agrees with you. You might think it's clear as day; I do not. I guess, sorry for having an opinion and attempting to competently backing it up.
  6. Hate his music, but this shit is really funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l5t1tfXwyM
  7. http://cdn0.sbnation.com/imported_assets/941617/1zlzq7r_jpg.gif
  8. This is still one of my favorite tapes of the year. Wasn't even a fan of Wiz at all before this dropped, either.
  9. Forgot to say that I copped this.. loved the movie, tape was a treat too
  10. This game is amazing, anyone else playing it?
  11. And this cracked me up last night, haha http://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/ii595/bigkingkarl/PackersCoach_FistPump_zpse075680f.gif
  12. idk man I just don't see it. I respect your opinion and where you're coming from, but I just don't agree. I think it's ridiculous with all the outrage, giving out phone numbers, Frank Gore calling the white man Roger Goodell the devil, etc etc. I think you can make a case for the other side, and in real time, that's a tough call. People need to put the pitchforks away. Anyways, good talking to you. Sports is boring if everyone has the same viewpoint.
  13. Right here I think he does: http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o70/dblplay1212/IMG_20120925_000700.jpg As to taking his left hand off the ball, I honestly don't see it.. and I'm looking really hard to see what you see. I know he takes the right hand off the hand and back onto the ball, but I don't see the left separate from the ball at any point
  14. Not defending it, because it was absolutely an egregious penalty.. and should have been called as such. But I don't think I've ever seen one of those called on a hail mary play, and it happens on almost every one. Doesn't make sense for them to let it go, but they do.
  15. Gif was funny, and it was from the fat dude swallowing Rodgers on the ground. It was posted where I found it about halfway through the game. Sorry you misunderstood. High horse because I break things down? Sorry for giving reasoning for my opinions, I should just start to spell things wrong and give a half explanation and then run away for a few days, call people sad, and throw fits. lol, can't believe I was just scolded for giving a detailed opinion on a football matter. I looked, I don't see his left hand off the ball ever. Neither do you, because the camera angle is on the wrong side. If you think it was an INT because Tate's right hand wasn't on the ball at the very moment that it was in dispute, that is fine. That is your opinion. I disagree.
  16. Mature. No hands on it? lol, no hands on it? There is not a point throughout the entire play where he has no hands on it. Watch again and hit me up. Left hand, right hand, ground, pulling into his chest. Catch. When your hands are on the ball, pulling it into your chest, what else does that mean? If you have your hand on the ball the entire time that it is in play, what do you call it? His left hand is on the ball at the exact same moment that Jennings' are, and his right hand is on it before they hit the ground. That, to me, is simultaneous. Your opinion, you're entitled to it. I disagree.
  17. A team scored on it this week because, again, a scrub linebacker falling over fingertipped the ball away. The broadcasters during the game even said that you have designated swatters who get in position and bat it down with both hands at the top of their jump. This player, who was certainly not one of them, tapped it away with one hand and momentum going the wrong way because he was trying to make a play himself. Coaches teach it properly, just as coaches teach coverage and scheme properly. They can't control players doing stupid things. It can hit a shoe or object, lol. It absolutely is opinion. It's being disputed as we speak. So because I don't agree with you, my conduct is sad? I feel a way that isn't popular in here, so I'm sad? Wow, welcome back fish. That insight was missed terribly.
  18. For you, mr. danny http://i.imgur.com/yMWTa.gif http://i.imgur.com/hHcAE.gif http://i.imgur.com/FONeb.gif
  19. http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1427857/refss.gif Left hand from the top of the catch, right hand when they hit the ground, hands never separate from the ball the entire time. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o70/dblplay1212/IMG_20120925_000700.jpg Two hands on the ball, pulling it into his chest, wrestling with Jennings. After the second pic, Jennings rolls over on Tate and makes it look 10x worse as they wrestle for the ball on the ground and Tate is appearing to reach through his body. But his hands don't separate from the ball after they're on it in midair. Do people have a point in saying it was an interception? Sure. It's opinion based. But just because there is a shitty angle on TV that doesn't show Tate's left arm locked on the ball the entire time doesn't mean that it was this horrendously blasphemous call and the NFL should burn, Goodell should be shot, and we should all boycott the league until that happens. Personally, I'm fine with the call. I'm fine with the review and the choice not to overturn. I see Tate with possession throughout. You don't? That's fine. I'm not mad about it.
  20. So stupid that the entire league does it. I guarantee you Jennings is scolded in the tape room. Not if you do it properly. Sure seems to be the popular opinion. Sorry that I don't agree with you, Fish. Sorry that I'm sad.
  21. crazy that a vast majority of nfl people disagree with you
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