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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdS4ln9N3vs
  2. All-time post count self-pimping leaderboard: http://i.imgur.com/oYbIH.png
  3. There were many reasons. Putting on that much weight, slowing down that dramatically, and then playing a position full of quicker players than the year before all didn't help, nor were they the sole reasons. All of this is irrelevant though, since Amar'e is going to ruin the NBA this year
  4. There's a way to gain 20-30 pounds in an offseason and not lose any speed or agility? Never heard of it
  5. Says "[expletive] you" to Perez and the other guy who came over, and then sits and acts like Perez is a "garbageman" for cursing at him.. lol what a tool
  6. Was counter-intuitive for him last year, he put on 20-30 pounds in the gym in the offseason (in anticipation of playing center, before they signed Tyson) and then lost all of his quickness. If you think the dude isn't in the gym all of the time working on himself, you haven't seen him lately.. he's cut the [expletive] up. He just can't put on weight or it changes his game completely.
  7. Okay Aqilsh (the order you put the letters won't make the poster any better!)
  8. He slashed the tire, I remember seeing that on Reddit a while back. His shit was bleeding too, that was a vicious blowout lol
  9. But if this is still too late for you, Cobb, we can work out a different day.
  10. Cole shot 40%/50% in the summer league last year, and then 39%/28% in the regular season. If shooting % is shooting %, why didn't his SL numbers carry over to the regular season? Horrendous stance is horrendous.
  11. 19th worst in the NBA, right between Mike Bibby and _erek Fisher.
  12. Absolutely right, there isn't a single lie in his 39%/28% from last year with 7.99 PER.
  13. Someone has a time issue, does anyone have a problem with an 11 PM EST start? Also, starting a check-in thread in a bit.. want to make sure we don't have any MIA for Weds.
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