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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--serge-ibaka-reaches-agreement-on-four-year-extension-with-oklahoma-city.html
  2. I can make it a super big 16 team league if the Reno collection wants to join mine
  3. I had a 360 controller for my PS3 (Gioteck HF2) and hated it..
  4. While we're at the lulz, I have these all saved from E3 this year lol http://i.imgur.com/eaHdi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bNN7Y.jpg http://i.imgur.com/LwZ3a.gif http://h9.abload.de/img/untitled-1m0zbqeixjd.gif
  5. True, those are your two exclusives worth a shit, really. Gotta be honest though, it was too buggy for me. I got to the part where you had to stay out of the dark or those things would swoop down and grab you, and I could never do it because my partner would stand in the light, not move, and then get grabbed anyway. Couldn't find a way to fix it What's up with the user ratings, though? Were a lot of people down on it? Got 8.4 for the first one, but only a 7.6 for two and three.
  6. Most elite exclusives are on PS3. Multiplats look worse? Obviously, because they have to work on the XBOX.. so they cater to the inferior hardware and port it over to PS3. Not hard to figure out, especially with the bigger population on XBOX. Maybe for you and your baddy internet, my stuff downloads fine over here. I'm glad you will pay for XBL, lord knows what we'd do if you wouldn't.
  7. Remember when this was true? Ah, nostalgia. Now all the elite exclusives are on PS3. You guys have Halo, though!
  8. Everyone can just http://i.imgur.com/JD9gm.png
  9. No lol, you're cool as a cucumber blazed. I'm just debating a topic, I hold nothing against you (or anyone else on this forum) when we're arguing over an opinion. I don't have a single thing against the Reno's either, it's just funny because they think I do and it makes them upset when I post stuff haha
  10. It was my response to your "enoy your load timez n bad online" comment, showing that CNET rated the PS3 higher.. and they are experts. Again, I am not saying one is better than the other.. just that if you're going to sit and say one is unquestionably better than the other, there are experts out there who disagree. Obviously you didn't say it like that, or I'd have quoted your post. It's just how you sound. "Enjoy your long ass load times and shitty network. Lol." is not you expressing your opinion. It's typical fanboy banter. http://i.imgur.com/XDTo0.png
  11. I've had both, and I prefer PS3. How many fat kid closed minded shots have I taken at the XBOX 360 in this thread? "I prefer my xbawks" is different from "LOLZ enjoi ur long load timez n ur mf inferior controllerz lululu" you sound like you're twelve
  12. You said the Yankees should continue to raise their luxury tax because they're the Yankees and they're in an elite market.. and they're "already giving double digit one year contracts to NL West starters", insinuating that Kuroda was not worth the contract that he received, and was in some way inferior because he pitched in the NL West. When I later bumped it, you said something like "fitting that his best outing comes against an NL team LOLZ". You didn't think Kuroda was worthy of his contract, and he's proved himself to be so. There is no need to be upset, just take this crow-pie I made for you and eat it. Eat it all.
  13. Look, I don't really care if you like PS3 or XBOX 360.. they're negotiable, and each have their own fanbase. But don't sit there and take pot shots and act like your console is vastly superior, when.. well.. it isn't. You know it's bad when you're making things up to make a point about a system that you no longer even own or should care about.. lol
  14. http://i.imgur.com/bbVon.png http://i.imgur.com/C4IrR.png http://i.imgur.com/53ith.png http://i.imgur.com/okzpP.png http://i.imgur.com/6Zmy7.png Enjoy I shall.
  15. I use my PS3 for Netlix, but I'm in the same boat.. Haven't played console games regularly in a while
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