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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. RT @HaleMark: Tuck on Clay Matthews saying GB beat themselves: "Thank you for giving us the game, Clay. I appreciate it a lot. #nyg
  2. No lol, it's your opinion. Ross was gutter trash. His helmet should have been made of burnt toast. That's mine. You can't throw out an opinion and call it accurate officer Ricky. He had 3 tackles with no PD or INT in the SB. You have low standards for playing 'extremely well'.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN5sUsTiM1g
  4. Invites are out to everyone except Main, who I'm waiting to respond to my PM with an e-mail address. Waiting on four verifications (fish, smitty, phightins, cali). Want to start discussing draft date/time? What day works best for everyone?
  5. Gotta pay extra for that healthcare sonnnn
  6. Jenneral stop being so full of suck What if Ewing won a ring
  7. There is an R.A. the Rugged Man and Hopsin collabo track in the works.. just went from 6 to midnight
  8. League is full, PMs are out, make sure you get back to me ASAP!
  9. Y'all bout to make the Reno's go HAM up in this bitch
  10. He nice that's why he got 3 mil per from the Jags lmao uright
  11. no Herman that was just your labia blowing in the warm summer breeze http://i.imgur.com/f5tgn.gif
  12. I think the interface, look, and feel are just on a different level. The yahoo one looks like you wrote an essay in notepad, and espn is a powerpoint. Horrible analogy but that's all I can think of. IMO there is better content, look, feel, etc on ESPN. It is my site of choice, and it's not because of a name -_-
  13. Bullshit it's literally nothing! I can't do yahoo leagues anymore it's so inferior
  14. He came in as a rookie, missed the entirety of the preseason after a holdout, and didn't play until week 10. Come on son, don't be amateur. We won two super bowls with Kevin Boothe.
  15. Nope, they gotta basically wait and see how his knee reacts. Ross was hot garbage, Prince on the outside with Coe/Johnson/Tryon/whoever in the slot is an upgrade.
  16. T2 doesn't need surgery, they're going to do rehab to try and get him on the field soon
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