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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. I was just kidding with the Renos, didn't think chosen would take me seriously.. I got a lol, but sorry for offtopic
  2. Felton admits to Breen on @msgnetworks he was upset about being traded to Denver, “But I’m back home now.” Felton also says he would have come to Knicks regardless of Lin situation because “this is where I wanted to be.” Felton on @msgnetworks: “I won’t make no excuses, I wasn’t in shape [last season]….I’m looking fwd to this year and shutting everybody up.” Felton says he is in shape now, could play right now. Really seemed to take to heart what’s being said about him. All via Alan Hahn
  3. ABL if you think we live off dribble kick you didn't watch much post-Mike D
  4. 2012 Stats: Lin 3-Point %: .320 Kidd 3-Point %: .354 Lin Rebounds per game: 3.0 Kidd Rebounds per game: 4.1 Lin Turnovers per game: 3.6 Kidd Turnovers per game: 1.9 Lin Fouls per game: 2.2 Kidd Fouls per game: 1.7 Defensively it's not close. So no, it's not 2002 or 2008.. it's 2012 and I was going off of this past season's numbers. Try harder.
  5. No I actually said it because I just read it in that article and it made me laugh
  6. ummmm.. you were asked to prove it, and you couldn't.. speaking of talking out of your ass! fake it till you make it
  7. My point was that the Renos are bandwagoners, I don't know why you're taking this seriously Top 3 is teh lulz though
  8. I enjoyed this article. http://www.sbnation.com/nba/2012/7/19/3169409/jeremy-lin-new-york-knicks-houston-rockets
  9. >"Now that they're terrible" >'07-'08 When speaking of now, you don't have to go further than last season. One year is all it takes for a Reno to bail Also, the Knicks having been terrible has no bearing on whether or not another team is terrible.. just FYI
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xASZPFfAKcM
  11. You signed on when they had Yao and T-Mac. You've just had enough gall to stick with them now that they're terrible. Your brothers would have jumped ship.
  12. You didn't know the Renos were frontrunners?
  13. When you die you are dead. There is no God, no afterlife, no Heaven. You cease to think, function. It is nothingness.
  14. You forgot 3 pointers, rebounding, defense, turnover rate, steals, and fouls.
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