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Everything posted by NomarFachix

  1. Paul Pierce on the terrible Celtics was one of my favorite players. Paul Pierce on the awesome Celtics was one of my most hated players. Takes a really good player to have that effect.
  2. Oh hell yeah, if sir Shuttlesworth would consider us we'd have to pull the trigger. I'm not sure Nash would settle for ~3M though
  3. Vernon is an absolute stud. One of my favorite players.
  4. I think he can be a perennial all-star starting in maybe two more seasons. He's needs a mentor and the right coaching, but it's possible.
  5. I don't want Felton, but I'd like us to chase Kidd and Nash, no matter how realistic. Maybe Grant Hill, too. He's been linked to us the past few seasons, and Crawford might hit the market
  6. Only have until July 1st, not sure it'll go down by then. Even if so, this stuff is rarely overturned. We'll see.
  7. Because that judge is a huuuuuuuuge Knicks fan
  8. If they can talk J.R. into accepting his option, we'd retain Lin/Novak/Fields on Early Bird and keep J.R., with the MLE to chase a guy like Kidd or Andre Miller. That would be HUGE.
  9. Coach Spo shat all over Flash lol
  10. I'd have loveeddddddddd Stall with our team, then swing a deal involving Stepan and maybe Ryan if that works under the cap (probably doesn't)
  11. Because he had just committed his 6th foul on a soft charge and decided he didn't want to help the guy up who just drew it? jmo
  12. Well, if we use more than 3M of the MLE, we enter a hard cap and can't sign anyone for any reason all year.. Not even a vet min or increase salary via trade. But it might be enough for JR lol
  13. We will now be able to retain Lin and Novak and still have the MLE to chase a baller. This is my favorite June 22nd ever
  14. Yessssaaaasssssasssasss this went throughhhhhhhhhhhhh What an awesome day
  15. I can't tell if this is the funniest thing I've ever seen, or if I'm way, way overtired.. but I am in tears
  16. So how long until we get a Bron video at a club singing "That's the difference, between first and last place; Danny, tell me how my ass taste?"
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