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Everything posted by Blazed49

  1. Round 4 1. Simba (Confidence) - Moreno, Knowshon 2. Lenny & The Jets (iboldin) - Jones, Feliz 3. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - Williams, Mike 4. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - Lloyd, Brandon 5. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - Ochocinco, Chad 6. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - Greene, Shonne 7. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -Roethlisberger, Benjamin 8. The Fish (Fish) - 9. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - 10. Team CTFU (TruTrojan) - 11. Tebow and Arrow (50.) - 12. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) - 13. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurdStomppa) - 14. New York Jeets (Lkr) -
  2. 2nd Round: 1. Simba (Confidence) - McFadden, Darren 2. Lenny & The Jets (iboldin) - Gore, Frank 3. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - White, Roddy 4. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - Fitzgerald, Larry 5. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - Rivers, Philip 6. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - Vick, Michael 7. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -Forte, Matt 8. The Fish (Fish) - 9. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - 10. Team CTFU (TruTrojan) - 11. Tebow and Arrow (50.) - 12. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) - 13. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurdStomppa) - 14. New York Jeets (Lkr) -
  3. 1. New York Jeets (lkr)- Peterson, Adrian 2. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurb)- Foster, Arian 3. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy)- Johnson, Chris 4. Tebow and Arrow (50) - Charles, Jamaal 5. Team CTFU (Trutrojan) - Rice, Ray 6. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - Jones-Drew, Maurice 7. The Fish (Fish) - Brady, Tom 8. Yuuuuup!!! (DBF) -Mendenhall,Rashard 9. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - 10. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - 11. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - 12. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - 13. Lenny & The Jets (iBoldin) - 14. Simba (Confidence) -
  4. Did not see that post. My bad. Chill out bro.
  5. With the 8th pick in the otr fantasy draft, blazed49 selects reshard mendenhall.
  6. What are you talkin about? In at least one of our leagues I've drafted him for like the last 3 years. Ask jeet.
  7. Ajay you should already know my choice by now. Andre all day. Though megatron is not far behind at all.
  8. http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/214298/Blazers_Magic_Discussing_Miller_For_Nelson_Trade I'm still not really sure how I feel about this but I do think he is a better fit than miller.
  9. How is that awesome for the league? Noone, besides laker fans, wanna see them win yet another ring unless its against the heat in the finals.
  10. Brian Scalabrine. Hands down.
  11. I can't even count how many times that's happened to my brother and I.
  12. I've never been critical of lebron in his playing career nor did I ever say he quit on the cavs. As you said he was still puttin his numbers up. The only thing I've been critical of was the way he did the decision. That's it. And this is coming from someone who, for most of his career, despised kobe.
  13. I think the question should be did the lakers quit on kobe. Kobe did what he could with 2-3 guys on him. Noone else did shit. Noone wanted it like kobe did. They wanted to be on vacation.
  14. Where's the "none of the above" option? I'd rather it be Blazers vs insert east team here personally. Lol.
  15. Couldn't agree more. Those announcers are ridiculously biased.
  16. I'm still pissed off about that game but the fact that we were up for the majority of the game speaks to how clutch this guy is. That shot over Roy was ridiculous. Just amazing.
  17. Really? Noone's goin with the guy who's about to break the record for 3's? Lol.
  18. Hopefully he trades our trainers and a 1st for the suns trainers. Maybe everyone of the guys on the roster won't go down with a knee injury every game.
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