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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. wtf no way you drove to Pennsylvania to watch this...
  2. Nah Don't worry, everyone in this post is wrong. How are the Patriots? I've heard they're pretty good. Obviously the Broncos have more wins than your Steelers... The Broncos are good, since they just beat one of the best dynasties in NFL history. lulz at Saints being #1. What happened to your Patriots today? They lost to "the worst" team. I like you Wrong, again.
  3. Bellichick was looking for McDaniels clearly. They just didn't find each other. Where is everyone who says the Broncos are the worst undefeated team now?
  4. Dude, your Sawx won't be playing till March. Epic lulz for the best team in baseball
  5. It's the whole game. In a blowout like this, they shouldn't be risking further injury to his heel.
  6. Should be a fun game to watch, because of the snow. I live about 60 miles north of Denver and we have like 2 inches of snow on the ground. Only saw pics of Coors Field as of yesterday, where the entire field was white, and I don't think it's gotten any better.
  7. Yes, we all know that you single handedly cursed the Boston Red Sox. In 86 years, we will all be talking about the Curse of ECN.
  8. How come when I go to bestbuy.com, this game is under the sports section of video games???
  9. If the Rockies don't sweep, the Phillies will take it in 4 or 5.
  10. Nope, 1001st post. 1000th reply, though.
  11. No popularity numbers? Isn't the topic saying how PS3 sales are going to surpass 360's? Doesn't that completely contradict your argument?
  12. That's a fake. I have his autographed rookie card and they're nothing alike
  13. I heard it freezes a ton. One of my friends had it and she said it's frozen for like 10 minutes on her before. But every time I use it it seems fine.
  14. So someone like Timothy McVeigh is like a supergod, right? He took the lives of many humans, and according to what you just said, he HAS to be a god of some type.
  15. Should I wear shorts to homecoming? Not like plaid shorts but like dress shorts? Or would I look stupid?
  16. Smitty said the only way I could leave his secret sex dungeon was if I joined.
  17. But by doing that, you might hate your life for a year, but make a [expletive] ton more money in the future.
  18. I pick up golf balls for more than that.
  19. Says the guy from Serbia, the incest capital of the world. lulz jk Slaven.
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