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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. When did I say that? Just because it's not a human he killed doesn't mean he shouldn't be in jail.
  2. Ahh, I remember when I thought I was a bad [expletive] because I watched movies all day, and didn't know the difference between you're and your. Oh wait, no I don't.
  3. But dude it's cool. You also said you wouldn't serve any time for it, so there's no risk.
  4. Go kill some dogs then. If you are in the exact same situation as Michael Vick, you should be posting tomorrow, no?
  5. He actually killed 6-8 dogs himself. Read up on the case before you talk. And, even if you don't believe me, he financed it either way. If I pay someone to kill your whole family, that means I should walk the street, right?
  6. And that's why you're not a judge. Vick is lucky he didn't spend more time in jail, since he could've spent something like 48 years in jail, since the maximum sentence in Virginia for killing dogs is 6 years p/dog.
  7. So if I went up to you and threw beer on you, you wouldn't do [expletive]? Good for you, but the rest of the population might be a little ticked off.
  8. Guitar. I know bean burrito plays too. I don't know about him, but I'm self taught and have been playing for about 20 months.
  9. The other one was so cool. He downed like half of it in 15 seconds. Regardless, great vid Justin.
  10. Ha Hudgen's reaction = "oh, [expletive] Dane Cook's making a joke about me." >>>>>> "OMFG I'm on TV! Hi Everyone" >>>>>>> "Wow [expletive] you."
  11. wtf I'm not even in this convo. But you're wrong, like all of the other one's I'm in.
  12. Or we could look at wins LA's 69 > PHI's 62 Colorado's 62 > FLA's 60 San Fran's 61 > ATL's 59 Arizona's 52 = NY's 52 San Diego's 48 > Washington's 40 So the NL West has 19 more wins than the NL East. Don't know what else would prove to you why the NL West > NL East.
  13. Did that thing on ESPN.com. Here's what I came up with # 1.Dodgers # 2.Yankees # 3.Phillies # 4.Red Sox # 5.Angels # 6.Cardinals # 7.Rockies # 8.Rays # 9.Giants # 10.Cubs # 11.Rangers # 12.Mariners # 13.Tigers # 14.Braves # 15.White Sox # 16.Marlins # 17.Brewers # 18.Astros # 19.Twins # 20.Indians # 21.Blue Jays # 22.Mets # 23.Diamondbacks # 24.Athletics # 25.Padres # 26.Orioles # 27.Reds # 28.Pirates # 29.Royals # 30.Nationals
  14. So that means the best teams according to payroll are the Rays, Red Sox, Blue Jays, and... oh, the Rockies.
  15. Nice, I found you too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xddhKQje41M This, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaNpYpSZ2C4
  16. You sound mad that your boy got his [expletive] handed to him.
  17. I would guess no shirt, and your boy friend's penis? lulz i'm so funny
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