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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. So the same home run catch that I could catch on tonight, tomorrow night's, 8/27, 9/8, etc's sports center is better than that catch?
  2. Haha usually when I play, I don't have enough time to go around and plant claymores, I'm right in the action ha.
  3. MP5 - Red Dot M1911 .45 - No Attachment Stun Grenades Stun x 3 Juggernaut Deep Impact --------------- AK-47 - Red Dot USP .45 - No Attachment Stun Grenades Stun x 3 Stopping Power Steady Aim --------------- M16 - Red Dot M1911 .45 - Silencer Stun Grenades Stun x3 Stopping Power Steady Aim --------------- G36C - Red Dot USP .45 - Silencer Stun Grenade Bandolier Stopping Power Deep Impact --------------- AK74U - Red Dot USP .45 - Silencer Stun Grenades Stun x3 Stopping Power Steady Aim Just some of my stats 20,553 Score (19h 01m) 80-125 (.64%, 5 streak) 1638-2067 (.79%, 11 streak) 12.35% accuracy (4356/30,891) Way up from like two days ago. Before I was like .65 on my KD ratio, and about 11.71 on my accuracy.
  4. Like I said, Wise's catch wasn't that great. It was topped just a week later.
  5. ^Up to you. I personally hate the look of the Alias keyboard.. it looks so corny. But if you're into that it's probably the right fit for you. Also the Motorola Calgary comes out in quarter four, which will have a full keyboard, and an actual slide up screen. Google it if you want more info it looks pretty sick.
  6. I'll post mine when I get on tonight!
  7. Don't be mad they don't make an XXXL for your fat [expletive].
  8. With that logic, all Muslims are terrorists, and everyone with African descent has AIDS, right?
  9. Minus the weekend thing... that is exactly like me. Except I put an alarm on for 11:30 to wake up, since I don't like not doing anything for two whole hours. Usually I'm lights out by 2:30, asleep by 3-3:30.
  10. Ughh where the [expletive] did my controller go! I was using it like 4 hours ago and it's gone.
  11. Wait are platoon and old chili brothers? Astonishing.
  12. lmao why get him now if you could've gotten him on waivers?
  13. This is sickkkk. Best skin on OTR yet man!
  14. Hmm what do you know? This play was better and it was from... TODAY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sDHmtR31jY That's something you don't see every day in baseball. Oh, and recapping Wise's catch: Robs a home run, then OPENS HIS GLOVE, doesn't get jarred out, he literally opens his glove, to make the catch look harder than it was.
  15. I've never been a fan of the Alias or Alias 2. The dare I know is a really cool phone, a few of my friend have it and it has so many cool features that other phones don't have. With the Alias, you can't have a custom home screen, or be able to actually write out your text messages like the Dare.
  16. You were sleeping there, you didn't get the pick in within 60 seconds. Family emergency maybe?
  17. Hey look at that you don't have a life.
  18. Ha mine are pretty light sleepers. As long as I'm talking quieter than a normal voice, I'm fine.
  19. That's good. If they can hear you with the doors, they should be able to hear me. I'm basically half way between a normal talking voice and a whisper when I'm playing late at night.
  20. Yeah I usually play with friends. Don't get me wrong I love the game, and can play for hours on end, but I'm just not super excited for MW2. I'll get it day one since my b-day is the day after it comes out, but I could wait months if I had to. On a side note, I know you have the turtle beach head set... Do you know if it comes with any type of a whisper mode or something? My parents' room is right by mine so I have to be somewhat quiet at 2AM when I'm playing and sometimes people can't hear me.
  21. Actually I kinda liked Taken. I liked the scene where the girl was getting kidnapped, but the rest of the movie was just ok. But that scene made up for it.
  22. Yeah, but I question your reasoning. Steroids + Mantle = Steroids + Ruth allegations, Steroids + Gehrig, DiMaggio, Rose, etc. Is that what's best for baseball?
  23. ok then 1. Titanic 2. The Dark Knight 3. Lord of the Rings trilogy Eh those are my top three. Not made in 2009, but I watched them this year.
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