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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. How can you hope that Mantle used roids? He was one of the best players ever, and everyone likes him. That's like saying, "I hope Derek Jeter used steroids and has his whole career tarnished."
  2. So you think it's wrong to watch movies online, but you want someone to give you a torrent to Photoshop? ha
  3. I've been playing COD4 on live every day for the past two weeks. It's a ton of fun, don't get me wrong, but I'm not super entirely excited for this.
  4. ^Same. I'll definitely get it, but it's not like I'm jumping the gun to get it.
  5. I'm fine with Clark, but Jackson is seriously ranked like #25 in every list I look at.
  6. Ohh you're just two minutes past your deadline. Therefor we'll give you someone of the same caliber I received, congratulations to Ashley Lelie, your new WR.
  7. Well since this is an offline draft you shouldn't be [expletive]ing about how long it's taking. Maybe I don't devote my day to seeing who's the best WR at any given moment. Just because I'm online doesn't mean I'm looking for [expletive] on a league.
  8. ok, but you get exactly two minutes to pick like I did.
  9. What the [expletive] man. Pick vincent jackson, like hte 30th ranked WR, then give me like 30 minutes to pick. I'll be sure to do that to you too.
  10. Because you don't know that the majority are bad. You stereotype people because of past occurrences that effected yourself in a negative way. You probably think all Middle Eastern people are terrorists, don't you?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiPR6kA4_iU Has Johnny Depp in it, and it was directed by Burton. Seems like it'll be a good movie. Plus I don't remember much of the Disney version of it, so I think I'll have to check this out.
  12. Again this shows your arrogance and how much you stereotype everyone.
  13. I called you racist in a debate that was completely irrelevant to this topic. Homosexuals are not a race, but when you hate every race but your own, that's racism.
  14. Again, you're calling me ignorant? You're making yourself look small, idiotic, and stereotypical.
  15. I would, because again... who the [expletive] cares if someone likes men? And yes, you're just intolerant and ignorant because you don't accept people for who they are.
  16. Well it doesn't have to be armpits, just anywhere where there's BO. Mostly armpits though. And balls sweat is terrible, as is ranch. On a serious note, new car, rain, freshly cut grass,
  17. Maybe not everyone is as intolerant and unaccepting as you.
  18. I'm ignorant? You're the homophobe that's afraid to have a gay president.
  19. OMG Mexico will think we're weird. Again, who the [expletive] cares?
  20. Who the [expletive] cares if he is or isn't?
  21. This is as old as show me your genitals.
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