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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. Where could I watch the Blair Witch Project full movie? As popular as it is, i can't find the full film in stream mode
  2. Who's seen it? It's pretty cool, and even has an average plot for the kind of movie it is.
  3. Hanley is younger, and already has a better bat than Wright. The defense will come.
  4. For someone like the Sawks to get Pujols would take Buchholz Elsbury Pedroia at least. Damn
  5. He's without question top five. He doesn't play defense very well, which is why the Marlins should try to convert him into an outfielder, but his offensive stats are too good to rule him out of the top five.
  6. Might have to grab a Lunchables out of hte fridge. Ham and cheese, but for like $1.50 it's certainly not bad
  7. One, Uribe plays second base. Two, Uribe charged the [expletive] out of it and still caught the bad hop.
  8. He's marketable, and he's sexy. THAT'S WHY HE'S THE MVP PEOPLE.
  9. Regardless, it was a tough play for Uribe and a tough error given to him. Not saying it should've been a hit, but he was put into a tough situation.
  10. He won't haha. It's not like you're the only kid he's ever met.
  11. The Steelers aren't overrated at all. Steelers and Falcons
  12. Yes, obviously I know the greatness of a perfect game, but it's not like a no-hitter is something to not be proud of.
  13. diserve lol Not everyone is as greedy as you. I just don't understand why you think Sanchez is unhappy about pitching a NO-HITTER!! Think of what you're saying. Sure he could've had a perfect game, but he's certainly not unhappy.
  14. What? I guarantee Sanchez (who should be happy he is even in the STARTING [expletive]ING ROTATION AGAIN) could care less that he didn't throw a perfect game. Sanchez would've been happy with a quality start, and throwing a no hitter is just a bonus for him. So just so we can get this clear, you think Sanchez is infuriated with not throwing a perfect game? haha alright man
  15. No one else has thrown a no-hitter this year, period. Good for him, he pitched a gem. Always exciting to hear about no-nos, and I can guarantee he doesn't give a rat's [expletive] about Uribe's error.
  16. rofl what? That's like saying you still have firefox? Get with the program and use it on your cell phone you cave man
  17. http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/0/08/Garyoakgirth.PNG http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/65/l_d47534dcb4ee4bcfa1cc19dd6816e8ec.jpg http://img19.picoodle.com/img/img19/3/4/16/edgespear/f_raichum_61756b3.png http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs35/f/2008/307/5/e/BABA_ORLY_by_SwlabrGears.jpg http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/4749/cancertests.jpg http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/8137/up3.jpg http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/1335/up6.jpg http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4508/op1t.jpg
  18. Warez isn't allowed.. you think you'd know that by now
  19. I said Matt Leinart = starter = pwnage
  20. Gimme the Cardinals.. Matt Leinart = starter = pwnage
  21. Couldn't the TS also be in legal trouble if he doesn't tell? Like if I knew someone who murdered someone, and wouldn't tell anyone, I could be like an accomplice or something?
  22. Yes I saw the call, and he acted like a [expletive]ing [expletive] since the pitch was 4 inches outside. The umps are human, they're gonna miss a call, so Manny decides publicity = good, so he throws his arm shield like a [expletive]. John Kruk put it the right way.. Manny should be focusing on getting past the 5th inning, and working on his legs instead of getting tossed for arguing balls/strikes
  23. Well Tiger was endorced by GMC (Buick), Gatorade, Nike, and EA Sports just to name a few
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