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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. lmao I didn't even know people flagged posts at all.. what are we back in 2nd grade when we had to tell on people? hahaha
  2. I seriously question if you have nothing better to do right now?
  3. He has far and away the shittiest team anyways, I hope he uses 35 hours and 59 minutes per pick just so he can compete
  4. Fleer makes the shittiest cards anyways.. Upper Deck is where it'll always be at
  5. I thought I was gonna get Rivers as the steal of the draft, then I realized you picked him up as the reach of the draft lulz
  6. http://www.pyromaniac.com/teams/images/san-diego-chargers/gates-basketball.png 1. Simba (Confidence) - Moreno, Knowshon 2. Lenny & The Jets (iboldin) - Jones, Feliz 3. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - Williams, Mike 4. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - Lloyd, Brandon 5. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - Ochocinco, Chad 6. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - Greene, Shonne 7. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -Roethlisberger, Benjamin 8. The Fish (Fish) - Colston, Marques 9. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - Holmes, Santonio 10. Team CTFU (TruTrojan) - Gates, Antonio 11. Tebow and Arrow (50.) - 12. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) - 13. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurdStomppa) - 14. New York Jeets (Lkr) -
  7. Nobody send me a PM, I'm here gimme a sec
  8. Got a pretty cool looking bike today, I'll post a pic in the morning
  9. Maybe in like 07 when Cook was decent.. he'll get rocked by the 4th inning
  10. I was gonna make a joke saying something like, "taken back in the 11th round," then I realized he had 13 TDs last season. Nice pickup
  11. Gold star for the fact that you have nothing better to do then troll fantasy football leagues you aren't even in
  12. http://www.mylife.com/c-1719220091 idk but he's 52 LOL YOURTEAMSUCKS
  13. http://zombiegamer.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Peyton-Hillis.jpg He looks way better in a Broncos uniform 1. New York Jeets (Lkr) - Forrest Michl 2. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurbStomppa) - Williams, DeAngelo 3. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) - Romo, Tony 4. Tebow and Arrow (50.) - Greg Jennings 5. Team CTFU (Trutrojan) - Hillis, Peyton 6. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - 7. The Fish (Fish) - 8. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) - 9. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - 10. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - 11. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - 12. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - 13. Lenny & The Jets (iBoldin) - 14. Simba (Confidence) -
  14. We should just change the topic of this thread to "Cool Shit Brandon Posts"
  15. http://fantasyknuckleheads.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/alg_giants_hakeem-nicks.jpg 1. Simba ,(Confidence) - McFadden, Darren 2. Lenny & The Jets (iboldin) - Gore, Frank 3. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - White, Roddy 4. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - Fitzgerald, Larry 5. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - Rivers, Philip 6. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - Vick, Michael 7. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -Forte, Matt 8. The Fish (Fish) - Wayne, Reggie 9. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - Brees, Drew 10. Team CTFU (TruTrojan) - Nicks, Hakeem 11. Tebow and Arrow (50.) - 12. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) - 13. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurdStomppa) - 14. New York Jeets (Lkr) -
  16. I was gonna say ha if the Yanks didn't do even one of them for Ubaldo, then something is up hahaah
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