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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. I forgot you'd be way too cool to talk to an NFL superstar. Whether you like the guy or not, you can't deny his star stature. But I'm sure you'd just buzz him off, you have way better people to talk to like DaBearsFan
  2. You're such a [expletive]ing douchebag
  3. Would it be a good idea to try it for my first time while camping tho? Or could that be sketch
  4. Yeah it's crazy how much my view on them has changed haha
  5. I'd be down.. let's get some money involved
  6. Today I banged about 2 grams worth of bones and muffins today, and it was incredible. I'm gonna try to go harder on friday when I take some acid up camping. Kinda nervous for a bad trip tho
  7. Recording x amount of answers in a row sounds good, but voting in the majority isn't. It'd kinda defeat the purpose of the site if you're voting to go w/ the flow of the crowd, instead of what'd actually your own opinion. Also, when is my $15 iTunes card gonna be available?
  8. Amazing thought right now and I'm not even high.. if your body weight is 75% water, take that weight out. So if you weigh 200 pounds, think about removing all of your water, and now you weigh 50. So i weigh 150, take the water out and I weigh like 37.5 pounds. I'd still have the same surface area, but only weighing 37 pounds of bone and like organs and shit
  9. I'm the first +1 of what will end up being about 40
  10. By far the best tweet I've ever had http://twitter.com/#!/MattLeinartQB/status/94946505810640898 I realllly had to rub his dick to get it, but it's sick
  11. You're on fire.. once again, well played
  12. I don't think it's right to torture, I just said it doesn't turn my stomach
  13. Daniel Radcliffe would like a word with you
  14. Super bump lulz I can watch shit like this just fine, but when people do this to like animals and video tape it I can't even watch
  15. I will never feel sorry for someone who dies of an overdose.. you have to be [expletive]ing stupid to do that
  16. Because I thought it'd be a big deal to people like you who've never made contact with a famous person lulz
  17. http://twitter.com/#!/RickyRo24/status/94896682457759744 It is just my day today
  18. No, but nobody should ever be tortured for anything *insert what if your family was raped and killed statement here*
  19. LOL and that's why you're someone who posts on forums, and not a judge
  20. http://twitter.com/#!/Jones_Drew32/status/94842673206263808 Just being a smartass to one of hte best RBs in the NFL, not a big deal
  21. They're gonna release their colors later? I wonder what they're gonna be, maybe green and white?
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