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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. It's because yours is like 99% outlining it looks like. Trust me, the shading is 1000000x easier
  2. A tattoo on the wrist wouldn't take more than 10 minutes. The longer the tat is, the more painful it'll be
  3. I'm not sure on this, but isn't Tulo #1 in NL shortstops? I assume he is, but why the [expletive] isn't Reyes #1?
  4. Oh, since chickens were genetically created, it's fine to do whatever you want to them. So once we're able to clone humans, with your logic we can burn them, cook them, etc, since we can just create more. Excellent logic!
  5. Nah man, the best part about this thread is the part where you're continuously being owned and proven wrong, but you're still trying to justify your opinion.
  6. That's the way of life there. Nobody gives two shits here about how cows are slaughtered, or how people go out every day to go hunting. It's just accepted here, like it's unacceptable in say India to eat cow meat. It's two different ways of life.
  7. Why are you so quick to judge an entire culture based on what they eat? What's wrong with them? Who gives a [expletive], they're not eating your dog, let them be.
  8. Going on a camping trip from today until Wednesday... thought we were supposed ot meet in half an hour, turns out its in an hour and a half. [expletive]kk gonna masturbate
  9. I'm surprised this thread hasn't gone 13 pages, been locked, and had 3 people banned yet.
  10. This is the first album I could listen to all the way through without skipping anything since like Man on the Moon
  11. I don't know how much I have to break it down for you, but I'll try. You have one belief Someone has a different belief Neither of which are proven, neither of which are disproven You have no idea how much intelligence the other person has BUT, since you have differing beliefs, that person must be a complete dumbass. I don't know if I made it clear? But to answer your questions Nobody knows how life came to be. However, I find it more plausible that life came about after a big random explosion that happened for no apparent reason. That's my belief. You believe that some doped up bible bangers who were the prophets of God made up a fictional fairy tale about a talking bush. OK, fine. I'm not gonna call you an uneducated prick because I disagree with you. I totally see how an explosion out of nowhere could be seen as unlikely, but it just seems more likely to me than someone coming out of nowhere claiming to be God, and just pointing at shit and making it happen.
  12. Yeah but you said anyone who doesn't believe in a higher power is a complete moron, which shows how arrogant you really are.
  13. So pretty much anyone who disagrees with your religious beliefs is a complete moron?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuWYrk42UsA He kinda reminds me of Mac...give it a listen
  15. I don't believe in God, because there's no proof. Honestly if there was SOMETHING that could prove his existence, then I'd believe but right now he has as much credibility as an invisible flying dinosaur who lives in your bathroom.
  16. Those shows are the shit... I like the one where the guy restores old shit.. I think it's Rick's Restorations. He can do some pretty cool things
  17. Yeah I didn't get to walk though it, but it was huuuuge and so nice ha. When I was there it was during their spring break so I didn't get like an accurate view of how crowded it'd be
  18. Stuuupid decision. Nobody watches the show for the plot... like going to clubs and shit. They watch it because everyone has such a unique personality.
  19. If gyms weren't so expensive I'd totally work out more. I'm way excited for August because U of A has a siiiick ass rec center that's like included with tuition
  20. Looks good, but you forgot an NBA comparison for #4 Jonas guy!
  21. Pretty much the only time my TV leaves ESPN is when the Rockies are on, or when jersey shore is on, but I'm not embarrassed to admit I watch it haha
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