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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. http://i.imgur.com/VA31D.jpg Threw it together really quick after getting inspiration from This. Thought it looked nice and simple so I just kept it.
  2. So atheist gays shouldn't be able to marry just becasue a Christian government tells them their God doesn't advocate it? Hows that fair at all?
  3. ^Alright, can you explain why you believe gays marrying would be considered "out of the norm"
  4. I'm sorry, but this disproves all credibility you've had left (which wasn't most) There are more cells in your body than animals on this planet. None of which have penises or vaginas. The amount of reproduction that is as you would call "penis into vagina" occurs .00000000001% of all reproduction. Take a biology class, take some notes, and come back. EDIT: Now I'm going to sit here and wait for you to try to explain how cells aren't apart of biology or some BS like that.
  5. http://phys.org/news164376975.html TIL ECN knows more about biology than biologists!
  6. Weird how its been observed in over 1500 species, but its not 'normal'
  7. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/Males_Anas_platyrhynchos_2_.jpg/800px-Males_Anas_platyrhynchos_2_.jpg Silly ducks, you're just going through a phase stop kissing
  8. If its not 'right' why is it found outside of the human race, in nature? Are other animals just 'going through a scene' too?
  9. Looks good, the player looks a little too bright but I like the background
  10. Actually I think LGF gave good and legitimate reasons for gun ownership, a side I've never even looked at before. +1
  11. As a citizen of this country, its actually more embarrassing than funny
  12. I'd love to hear all of the closed-minded conservatives' reasoning on how they should be able to control other people's lives based on their own personal beliefs.
  13. I'm going to use this line the next time I turn in a college paper. Oh, sources? Bitch look them up I don't have to show them to you. My information is right until you prove it worng! [/ECNlogic]
  14. So you believe that minorities will be coming in at such a rate it'll change your living standards to that of a ghetto by 2014?
  15. If you're "in the hood in a few years" when you're a 30 year old white adult male with an upper-middle class upbringing, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
  16. I think most private gun laws should be outlawed, but I see the need to have one at your house. They shouldn't be allowed in public at all though. JMO
  17. No it doesn't, Neil De Grasse Tyson
  18. Yeah man that was huge news on r/trees when it happened. Such a joke.
  19. Of the 7 images you posted, only 2 of them had sources, and one of those was 10+ years old.
  20. http://cdn.chud.com/a/a5/a514bf4b_clapping.gif
  21. He has a better chance of legalizing marijuana. Even though he said he'd make an effort this term and actually kinda did the opposite.
  22. The funny part is you won't admit you were a victim of a joke.. as if you care about what strangers on the internet think about you. lol.
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