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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. Ha your k/d when I looked at it was like 1.11 or something, so I doubt you've ever gotten a TDM above 30 kills
  2. Then don't watch. There's still a huge demand for them, but if you don't like it just don't click play.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9yxzja686A The blackbird is way sick
  4. lmao that's completely different. If you're truly better than a drop shotter, you'll get the kill anyway.
  5. I wanna know why drop shotting is playing like a [expletive]. 1 on 1 gun fights, I'll lose 50% of the time. I'll give myself that advantage, and it's stupid not to.
  6. He's did this so some people will be like, "no say you contribute so much!" But, you don't.
  7. So since I don't play the game the way you play, I'm a pansy. Alright.
  8. I think Snake should focus on becoming the first billionaire / photoshop guru / noodles making expert.
  9. So, um Galil + Red Dot + Silencer = rape http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2-tsHnawXE And I love the new reticles and colors
  10. Not only can Snake make millions of dollars by just thinking about it, he's also tank at photoshop! And the last one is smooth and simple, I like it
  11. Happy Bday Kyle! go out and buy some cigs now
  12. Think about how much bank they make though, if I were them I'd come out with a new one every three months.
  13. You're telling me your friend played 108 games of Black Ops in 24 hours? Nice bud! But since I know you're talking about MW2, have you EVER considered the fact that MAYBE Black Ops and MW2 are completely different games?
  14. I'm getting inked up on Tuesday night, gonna get Anubis from the waist up, with some pyramids in the background and a king cobra, all in color
  15. Yeah I got that too Use the AK-74U. With extended mags, the thing is an absolute tank 4 W/L ratio. get at me
  16. People who get killed by quick scopers are mad that they're not good enough to do it. Honestly if I'm rushing at a guy with a silenced UMP, and it takes 3 bullets to kill him, I should without a doubt get a kill. If I miss 10 rounds and the guy turns around to kill me, I'm fine with that. By the time it takes me to unload an entire clip, he has one shot on me...
  17. No, but she can get in trouble for sending pics to a 12 year old... You shouldn't have posted this. Poor karey...
  18. So why would you call yourself a Christian?
  19. The point of life is to live it and have fun.. it's not to live it trying to impress a God you've never met, seen, or heard.
  20. It's not depressing at all. I live my life to the fullest, since I know I won't be able to spend an eternity on a cloud. It's not logical.
  21. Yeah man I was really considering that.. then I turned 13. Once you hit that point, people might start taking you seriously.
  22. I've wanted the seams on my body for the last 3-4 months, but the Rockies part is still questionable. I just whipped it up to see how it'd look
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