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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. It's down to two ideas.. that just shows I'm indecisive.
  2. idk what I want yet, but that has no correlation with me getting one just to get one.
  3. It was either that, or a tat of Anubis, the Egyptian half jackal / half man which represents protection from death. I'd get him, along with some pyramids in the background and maybe a snake somewhere. I'd get that like on my leg or maybe my bicep. I really don't know which one I want haha.
  4. I don't need a tat to impress girls. My baseball cards will do that...
  5. Well there isn't a single drop of purple in the tat, but I see where you're coming from.
  6. My 18th is coming up on Thursday, and I'm going to get a tattoo, here's a design i whipped up in about 10 minutes, how do you think it'd look http://i52.tinypic.com/eahzkl.jpg It would be wrapped all the way around either my forearm or my bicep
  7. It might be taken down, but the song sounds pretty good I think
  8. I would vote, but I don't see how someone in House District 49B affects my life in any way..
  9. ^Yeah the Owner mode is by far one of the best things about the game. I havent even touched it yet, but it's still a sick game even when Larry Walker is on the Cardinals haha
  10. adfadfadfpadufad;kfadjfpadbuaspdfu I found ittttttttttttttttttttt
  11. It's a good thing, cuz the Orioles would make it look really [expletive]ty
  12. It's also the most expensive, so it should be the best. However, it doesn't have either of the 2 best teams in baseball
  13. Literally not a single thing I said there is something I agree with. Once you learn how to comprehend / read the full sentence, maybe you can make an intelligent post.
  14. Ha since you're new you don't get the joke that a member here thinks any team outside the AL East sucks at baseball, and that the Orioles > Phillies.
  15. It doesn't matter, if the Giants were in the AL East, it'd be significant. But since they're in the NL West they suck.
  16. 1. Pokemon series 2. MVP Baseball 3. GTA SA Who cares about the rest
  17. http://www.beveragewarehouse.com/images/products/4004.jpg http://www.gothamcigars.com/images/PTLCG20-1.jpg aw yeah
  18. 10. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 9. 21 8. 500 Days of Summer 7. Good Luck Chuck 6. Beauty and the Beast 5. Fight Club 4. The Wizard of Oz 3. The Dark Knight 2. Aladdin 1. Titanic What about you guysssss
  19. I used to think there should be a salary cap, but now I don't think it's necessary. It's what makes baseball unique, like the different sized playing fields, and the lack of time limit.
  20. 13 year old illiterate tries to convince me to change my political beliefs http://www.ashlux.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/great_success.png
  21. How will an NBA lockout correlate with the obesity rate going down?
  22. Oh shnap so youre kinda good at this make me a matt leinart siggy
  23. Couldn't the players just desire to make more money? Problem solved
  24. Just so you know, when you have a post that's 8 paragraphs long, nobody reads it.
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