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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. Anyone have them? I'm thinking about getting like the seams of a baseball going around my right forearm.. I think that'd be pretty cool looking
  2. I cap 3 or 4 flags p/ game.. and whenever I'm capping something and someone runs by me, it pisses me off Cod IS real for me.
  3. And if you're [expletive]ing about getting killed by a shot gun over and over again, don't let someone within 10 feet of you, or better yet just use commando since the lunge on that has better range than most shotguns anyways
  4. So w/ an intervention I can get one shot off by the time someone gets 15 off w/ a UMP. an Intervention can be a 3 shot kill [i've had a 4 shot kill before], and the UMP is a 3 shot kill. If I miss w/ a sniper, the UMP guy already has unloaded half a clip.. how is that a pansy way of playing?
  5. How are the last two relevant in any way?
  6. Don't play domination like a [expletive]ing little [expletive].
  7. lol Bolt wants to run a 60, so do you honestly think Bolt can run about a 4.2 60? It would be Bolt, but probably by a second MAX.
  8. Cmon man the only thing you do here is spam your articles to get more reads.. you never even contribute to any discussion on here.
  9. Looking at the box in my left hand it says it's actually the DVC 101
  10. Is the only reason you joined this site to spam with your BR articles?
  11. Nobody else agrees w/ ranch? I swear every time someone eats like a salad in my car I'm driving with my head out the window
  12. You try too hard Oh, and for me it's ranch dressing. [expletive]ing sick.
  13. That doesn't make it right
  14. I have an idea.. you actually BUY the music, instead of stealing the hard work of your favorite artists.
  15. Well considering the only thing you do nowadays is troll every post I make, and make threads asking for approval on your humor... I thought I'd just clear it up for you.
  16. I have both.. but you're too arrogant to actually read the first post, so this goes out to anyone who actually bothers to read.
  17. i'll probably bet bashed by the ignorant haters here, but someone said autographs and card collecting is two different things. I don't collect the base cards [cards w/ nothing special to them], I get the signed cards. Ozzie Smith, Nomar, Chipper Jones, Evan Longoria [x2], with a signed bat, and countless others. I have numerous game used jerseys, and recently sold the mlb logo on the back of Carl Crawford's 2008 actual game used all star jersey for over $250. Just saying, it's not like I go to the card store every day and put in $50 a night to open packs. I haven't gone there in like 8 months or something. [waits for yugo/pistol to say lulz you still collect cards [expletive]]
  18. lmao that was hilarious. that bird was [expletive]ing smart
  19. How is CJ's speed going to catch up to him? Do you really think defenses are going to be able to catch him soon? He's like [expletive]ing 24 or something. You could say that in like 5 years or something..
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